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X31 <br />ORD INANCE N0. 9118 <br />An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9186 of the City of Eugene, Entitled: <br />"An Ordinance to create or divide the City intodistricts within some of <br />which it shall be lawfyl, and w~~ithin others ofv~ich it shallbe unlawful <br />to erect, construct, aleter or maintain certain buildings, or to carry <br />on certain t rades or cal?,ings; to limit tree height and bulk of future <br />buildings; to provide for s etback lines, size of yards, and other open <br />spaces; to e stablish mini~um lot sizes; to provide for automobile parking <br />facilities; to provide for the enforcement, adjustment, and arr~ndment hereof, <br />and to provide penalties for ~s violation in t he City of Eugene, Oregon; an d <br />to repeal Ordinance No. 813 and all amendments thereto , and Ordinance <br />6992, 8093, 8700", passed by the Common Council June 28, 1918, and approved by <br />the Mayor June 2 ?, 1?1~8 . <br />WHEREAS, under the direction of the Common Council of the City of Eugene, The City <br />Planning Commission has prepared a tentative report and held hearings thereon and has <br />adopted the tentative report as their final and n~mmanent report and transmitted the same <br />1 <br />NOW, T?-iER AFORE, THE CITY CF EUGENE DOES ~RDATN ~S FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. That Ordinance No. 9188, entitled: <br />"An Ordinance to create or divide the City into Districts within some ~:~f which <br />it shall ?~ lawfu.l, and within others of which it shall be unlawful to erect., <br />construct, alter, or maintain certain building, or to carry on certain trades <br />or; to limit tide height and hulk of future buildings; to provide for <br />setback lines, size of yards. and other open spaces, to establish minimum lot <br />sizedp to provide for automobile parking facilities; try provide for the enf orce- <br />ment, adjustment, and amendment thereof; and to prescribe penalties for its vio- <br />lation in the City of Eugene, Oregon; and to repeal Ordinance No. 81113 and all <br />amendments thereto, and Ordinances 6992, 8693, 8700'x. <br />Passed by the Common Council June 28, 191.8, and approved by tfie Mayor June 29, 191.8, re <br />and the same is hereby amended ih the following n~ticulars; <br />That the Classification of: <br />Lots 2 and 3 Block 3, Plummeas Addition to Eugene, platted and recorded on <br />Page 3l.~, Volumer 10, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records. Property located <br />at 2525 and 2533 South Willamette Street. <br />~! <br />Beginning at the intersection of the South line of Eighteenth Avenue West <br />with the Center line of City View Street and running thence Westerly along <br />the Sou}~h line of Eighteenth Avenue West a-~proximately 1329 feet to the <br />intersection with the extended West line of the subdivision plat of Westpark <br />as filed in Book 12, 111, Lane County, Oregcn; thence North 0°2~ East <br />az~proximately 1681 feet to the Northwest corner of said plat; thence South <br />89°0~ East approxim^.tely 1320 feet to the Eugene City Limits; thence So#therly <br />along the West City Limits to the poi3~t::of beginning. <br />Be and the same is hereby designated as RA -Outer Residential. <br />Section 2. That the City Engineer be, and her is hereby directed to cause the map <br />attached to Ordinance No. 9188 to show the foregoing change of classification of areas <br />to the City Council with recommendation that the same be enac ted into an Ordinance, <br />However, the Common Council voted not to follovr said recommendation; <br />Be and the same is heweby design~.ted as C-2 Neightborhoad Commercial. <br />That the Classifieatio~: of.: <br />West Park Addition (1~lrea annexed to Eue~ene, June 1929) <br />and to note thereon the rule with respect ~ bu~_lding in the a*~propriate classification. <br />1 <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />15th day of September, 191-9 <br />/s% V. E. Johnson <br />Mayor <br />Passed by the Comm:;n Council this <br />ll~th day of Sez~temher, 1;?1~9. <br />,ls/ Henry F. Be istel <br />City Recorder <br /> <br />