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X45 <br />ORDINANCE N0: 9i~30 <br />An Oridinance to construct a sanitary s ewer on the South side of Twenty-fifth .Avenue <br />i <br />from High Street to the Alley between Portland and Vdillamette Street, thence Plorth in said <br />alley to Twenty-fourth .Avenue, in the City of Eugene, Oregon, and declaring an emergency, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLGWS: <br />Section 1. The Common Council of the City of Eugene does hereby declare its intention <br />to build and construct a sanitary sewer rm the Sourth side of Twenty-fifth Avenue from High <br />Street to the alley between Portland and 1i~illamette Street, thence North in said d.].ey to <br />Twenty-fourth Avenue, in the City of. Eu~?ne, Oregon. <br />Section 2. That said sewer shall be. c^astructed of first-class cement, vitrified pipe, <br />or other suitable material accordina to the -Mans and specifications of the City Engineer. <br />Section 3 • The City Eng ineer is hereby directed to survey out the location of said <br />sewer, and prepare plans and specifications and a profile thereof, and to file the same tivith <br />the City Recorder, <br />Section ~. The construction of said sewers shall include all necessary manholes, .wyes, <br />and all things necessary and conveneint for the complete building thereof. <br />Section 5. The cost of the d.° nstruction of said s ewer shalll:e borne key and shallt~ <br />1 <br />assessed to the lots, parts of lots and acreage properly liable therefor, and benefitted by <br />the construction thereof in proportion to the benefits accruing to each lit, part of lot or <br />acreage properly liable as shall be ascertained and determined by the Common Council of the <br />City of Eugene, except street intersections, which will be Aaid for ~y the Cit y, and there <br />shall he. included as a dart of the costs thereof, the Engineer's charges f or his services, <br />not to exceed 5~ of the contract pride therefor, and charges for interest on improvement <br />warrants, advertising for bids, postage and supplies for mailing notices of assessments <br />not to exceed 5~ of the contract price therefor. <br />Section 5. Upoh the completion of the sewer, the Common Col:ncil shall ascertain the <br />cost thereof and assess that portion thereof against the lots, parts of lots or acreage pro- <br />-~erly liable tr; erefor or benefitted thereby in accordance with. the provie..ons of the Charter <br />of the City of Erne, and when. said costs are so assessed the same shall be entered in the <br />City Lien Docket, and he further enforced. as provided by the City Charter. <br />Section 7. WHEFEAS, the improvement contemplated and provided for by t:ds ordinance <br />J <br />is a necessary improvement and the district of the City in w.~ich said sewer is to be c n- <br />strutted is in such a c onsiti~~n that the construction of s aid sewer is essential t~ the <br />he alth.and_safety of the residents of said district, it is t?~erefore declared that an <br />emergency exists and it is hecessary for the immediate -preservation of the public peace, <br />health and safety, that this ordinance take effect immediately upon its passage by the <br />Cazncil and .approval by the Mayor. , .. <br />Passed by the Common Council. <br />this 2~tth chy of October, 1949• <br />/s/ Henry F. Beistel <br />City Recorder <br />Approved by the I~Sayor this <br />25th day of October, 1919. <br />/s/ V. E. Johnson <br />]6~a for <br /> <br />