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About the Community Service Center <br />The Community Service Center (CPW), a research center affiliated with the <br />Department of Planning, Public Policy, and Management at the University of <br />Oregon, is an interdisciplinary organization that assists Oregon communities by <br />providing planning and technical assistance to help solve local issues and improve <br />the quality of life for Oregon residents. The role of the CPW is to link the skills, <br />expertise, and innovation of higher education with the transportation, economic <br />development, and environmental needs of communities and regions in the State of <br />Oregon, thereby providing service to Oregon and learning opportunities to the <br />students involved. <br />About Community Planning Workshop <br />Community Planning Workshop (CPW) is an experiential program within the <br />Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management at the University of <br />Oregon. Students work in teams under the direction of faculty and Graduate <br />Teaching Fellows to develop proposals, conduct research, analyze and evaluate <br />alternatives, and make recommendations for possible solutions to planning <br />problems in Oregon communities. The CPW model is unique in many respects, but <br />is transferable to any institution that desires to link pedagogy with community <br />service. <br /> <br />