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CC Minutes - 01/24/05 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/24/05 WS
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3/4/2005 10:30:22 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Ms. Taylor emphasized that the design process should come before any public hearing on an LID. She <br />thought that some people would be happy to pay for the design if it was what they wanted while others did <br />not believe they could afford to pay for the improvements at all. Then the council would be in the position <br />to discuss next steps. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman thought it appropriate to lobby the County for funds because the streets in question abutted <br />Lane County, and they were absorbing traffic with an origin in the county. She thought the County should <br />have an interest in the issue. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman questioned why the money for the design work could not be borrowed from another fund. <br />After staff developed a mutually acceptable design, it could proceed with the LID and pay back the fund. <br />She did not think there was an urgency to proceed. She also wanted to know the answers to Mr. Kelly's <br />questions, and asked for staff feedback on the feasibility of her suggestion. <br /> <br />Although Mr. Kelly agreed there was not any urgency to proceed, he wanted to keep the process moving. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly thought in a better environment, the LID could be formed now, but given the trust issues that <br />existed between the neighborhood and City, he preferred not to act at this time. However, that did not mean <br />the City could not find some way to do the needed design. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly asked that staff provide the council with some sense of how it arrived at the $240,000 estimate. <br />While he acknowledged that context-sensitive design was a process, he thought it important for the council <br />to create boundaries for the process. Mr. Kelly said that neighbors ;;felt marginalized" when they suggested <br />such things as mulched bark paths and were told that was not possible. The council could identify those <br />elements that could be traded off. He suggested that perhaps the money could be spent in phases, and each <br />phase would build more trust with the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap6 agreed with Ms. Bettman and Mr. Kelly, suggesting that consideration of the resolution be <br />postponed at this time. He suggested the potential the City could ;;kick start" the process using General <br />Fund money. He said the process could be considered a pilot for a citywide approach. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor said that staff had originally envisioned that it would borrow the money for the design <br />until the process was farther along and a decision about the designation had been made. That would allow <br />different options for spreading the cost and would affect what sources of funds that could be used. <br /> <br />Responding to a question from Mr. Pap6, Assistant City Manager Jim Carlson said the issue was whether <br />the City Council could spend money and then later roll the money that had been spent into an LID. He said <br />staff was seeking an answer to that question from legal counsel. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap6 indicated he had no problem with %eeding" the design process from either General Fund dollars or <br />from County Road Funds if they became available. <br /> <br />Mr. Poling referred to Option 2, which called for the use of General Fund dollars, and asked if the council <br />could borrow up to $240,000 from that source to begin the design process and then pay it back once the LID <br />was formed and the money collected. City Manager Taylor again deferred the question to legal counsel. He <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council January 24, 2005 Page 7 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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