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Item A: Joint Meeting with Lane Transit District Board of Directors
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 06/12/06 Work Session
Item A: Joint Meeting with Lane Transit District Board of Directors
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6/9/2010 1:03:35 PM
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6/8/2006 9:44:52 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />The work program for Phase Two of the project was prepared over the past two months. Phase <br />Two, which is funded by the State of Oregon Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) <br />Program, will focus on preparation of a mixed use development plan and implementation <br />strategies for the area, based on the foundation laid in Phase One. The TGM program released a <br />Request for Proposals for the Phase Two project in late April to the five Consultant firms on its <br />flexible services contract; three firms responded. The selection process included a review of <br />written proposals and an interview with two of the three firms. That process has resulted in the <br />selection of David Evans and Associates (DEA) as the prime consultant on Phase Two of the <br />project. Urbsworks is a member of the David Evans project team. The contracting process is <br />expected to take from four to six weeks to complete. Staff expects Phase Two of the project to <br />begin by mid-July. <br /> <br />Notice of the Walnut Station project, project newsletters, and invitations to various meetings on <br />the project are routinely sent to all property and business owners within the study area. Even so, <br />by the end of the Phase One project we had not heard from or had contact with a number of <br />property owners within the study area. In mid-March, City staff began to schedule meetings <br />with as many ofthose owners as we could contact. To date, we have met with about 15 property <br />owners (many of whom own multiple parcels within the area) and have scheduled several others <br />for the coming weeks. The purpose of these meetings is to make sure that the owners (1) are <br />aware ofthe project, (2) are familiar with the design concepts that came out of Phase One, (3) <br />have an opportunity to ask questions and express opinions to staff, and (4) know how they can <br />participate in Phase Two of the project. We will continue to encourage full participation by all <br />of those who own property within the study area throughout the coming months. <br /> <br />The Phase Two process will begin with an intensive traffic modeling effort to understand the <br />operational and cost implications of the Franklin Boulevard and Garden A venue redesign <br />proposals. Work will also continue with individual stakeholder groups to resolve disagreements <br />about fundamental elements ofthe vision as described in Attachment D.2, Issues to be Resolved <br />in Phase Two. Recent meetings with various stakeholders over the past several weeks has <br />already resulted in agreements about previously unresolved issues; those will be brought back to <br />the Steering Committee and Planning Commission for concurrence in the fall. <br /> <br />Staff will also provide an update on this project to the City Council in the fall. Updates to the <br />Lane Transit District Board will be provided on request. <br /> <br />For more information, contact Allen Lowe, Senior Planner, Planning and Development <br />Department, 682-5113. <br />
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