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Through a variety of programs LTD helps people use the regular fixed route system, <br />resulting in much greater flexibility and independence for seniors and people with <br />disabilities. LTD’s fixed route system was fully accessible five years before it was <br />required by the ADA. <br /> <br /> <br />Cost Indicators <br /> <br />Attachment 6: Operating and Cost Measurements – Fixed Route System provides an <br />overview of some cost indicators for LTD. <br /> <br />The attachments are meant to provide a snapshot of LTD’s current service issues, but <br />such a snapshot is only relevant if it can be compared to or measured against some <br />other standard. <br /> <br />Attachment 7: Comparison of Operating Characteristics of Selected Transit Properties <br />compares Lane Transit District to eleven comparable transit agencies and to TriMet. <br />The line indicating the average for these other agencies does not include TriMet. The <br />columns that probably best describe operational efficiency are “Boardings per Capita”, <br />“Service Hours per Employee”, “Cost per Boarding”, “Cost per Service Hour”, and <br />“Boardings per Service Hour”. In each of these areas, LTD is better than the average. <br />For example, the cost per boarding average is $4.12, but the LTD cost per Boarding was <br />$3.03. As ridership increases and service remains constant, the cost per boarding <br />declines. Other districts have also seen an increase in ridership this past year, but for <br />LTD the cost per boarding in April 2006 was $2.39. <br /> <br />Both Board and staff have made it a common practice to measure LTD against these <br />comparator districts. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />