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<br />at or below 38% of area median income and 49 units affordable to households earning at or below 48% <br />of area median income. <br /> <br />Metro will develop the site according to LEED sustainable building standards for residential dwellings <br />including use of energy efficient appliances, solar units, and other measures. Metro requests $316,121 <br />in HOME funds in the form of a loan with terms to be negotiated, and other local subsidies including <br />$115,000 in Eugene SDC waivers, $100,000 in EWEB SDC waivers, and $213,700 in Lane County <br />Road Funds. Metro plans to seek Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits from the State this fall and <br />start construction in May 2007 if credits are awarded this year. <br /> <br />th <br />Acquisition of 1025 West 7 Rental Units by SVDP (VetLIFT II) <br /> – SVDP requests $275,000 in HOME <br />funds to fund a portion of the acquisition costs and related tenant relocation costs of a 12-unit apartment <br />th <br />building at 1025 West 7 Avenue. The purchase price of the building is $550,000. The property will <br />be rehabilitated and offered as affordable rental housing for chronically homeless veterans. The unit <br />rents will be set at 30% of area median income. The residents will also participate in SVDP’s Vets <br />Living Independently Following Treatment program and will have access to a range of social services. <br /> <br />SVDP will use the commitment of HOME funds to leverage funding from other sources including the <br />Veterans Administration Capital Grant Program and the State of Oregon Housing Trust Fund Program. <br />SVDP plans to have the funding assembled to acquire the property in January 2007. The City’s funding <br />will not be released until the other sources are committed. SVDP will seek operating subsidies from the <br />Veterans Administration Per Diem Program and HUD Continuum of Care. SVDP also plans to apply <br />for a loan through the City’s Rental Rehabilitation Program and for the City of Eugene Low-Income <br />Housing Property Tax Exemption. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The City Council approved the HUD Consolidated Plan 2005, which sets priorities for use of HOME <br />and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds over a five-year period. Each spring, the <br />council approves a One-Year Action Plan for annual use of Federal CDBG and HOME funds. The plan <br />allocates Federal funding to several categories of housing development activity: affordable rental units, <br />homeownership, and site acquisition for future low-income housing developments. Other local <br />resources, including Eugene and EWEB systems development charge (SDC) waivers, Lane County <br />Road Funds, and low-income housing property tax exemptions, are also made available to decrease the <br />cost of housing. <br /> <br />The City Council has established a priority to address homelessness in Eugene. Both proposed <br />developments directly support this objective by creating more housing that will be affordable to very <br />and extremely low-income families and individuals. In particular, the acquisition and rehabilitation of <br />th <br />1025 West 7 will offer a critical resource for veterans struggling to transition from homelessness to <br />stable housing and employment. <br /> <br />The City Council has established a Housing Dispersal Policy which seeks to maximize housing choices <br />for low-income families and integrate housing throughout the city of Eugene. Both proposed projects <br />will be located in appropriate Census Tracts according the Housing Dispersal Policy. While Prairie <br />View exceeds the recommended limit of 60 units, only 58 of the 76 units will be targeted to low-income <br />families. In addition, there is no other subsidized housing located within a three-mile radius of the site. <br /> L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M060612\S0606122E.doc <br /> <br />