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Item 4: PH on Lane Plywood Measure 37 Claim
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 06/12/06 Meeting
Item 4: PH on Lane Plywood Measure 37 Claim
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/9/2010 12:46:26 PM
Creation date
6/8/2006 11:14:51 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />market value of the property. And fifth, the regulation must not fall within one of Measure 37's <br />five exemptions. <br /> <br />As discussed below, many of the regulations that are the subject of this claim are not <br />"land use regulations" as that phrase is defined by Measure 37. Following the passage of <br />Measure 37, none of the regulations have been enforced against claimant's property. Many of <br />the regulations neither "restrict the use of land" as that phrase is used in Measure 37, nor reduce <br />the fair market value of property. Moreover, even the regulations that may, in the abstract, <br />"restrict the use" and "reduce the value" of the property (when compared to an absence of <br />regulation), do not "restrict" or "reduce value," given that the property at the time of acquisition <br />was zoned heavy industrial. Some of the regulations that are the subject of the claim fall within <br />one or more of Measure 37's exemptions, including the exemptions for regulations prohibiting <br />certain public nuisances, regulations adopted to protect the public health and safety, and <br />regulations adopted after the property owner acquired some of the lots that are the subject of this <br />claim. Finally, LPI's own actions in applying for and obtaining a subdivision approval and in <br />recording Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) against all of the lots incorporate all <br />of the regulations that are the subject of this claim. As a result, even if the City agreed to not <br />apply the regulations, those regulations would still govern development on the property as a <br />result of the subdivision approval and CC&Rs. In light of the subdivision approval and CC&Rs, <br />the regulations themselves neither restrict the use of property nor reduce its value. <br /> <br />III. ANALYSIS OF CLAIM <br /> <br />,A. <br /> <br />Ownership. <br /> <br />\. <br /> <br />Ballot Measure 37 provides for payment of compensation or relief from (waiver of) <br />specific laws. for "owners" as that term is defined by the Measure. Ballot Measure 37, Section <br />11 (C) defines "owner" as "the present owner of the property, or any interest therein;" <br /> <br />LPI 'has asserted claims on 25 parcels of land (lots) within the Pioneer Resources' <br />Business the City of Eugene. Based on the information that is available, the parcels can <br />be divided into three categories: (1) lots owned continuously by LPI since at least 1980; (2) lots <br />previously owned and sold by LPI, and then reacquired in 2005; (3) one lot owned by LPI for <br />which no date of ownership was provided. <br /> <br />1. Lots 15-24 and 26-33: Appear to have been continuously owned by <br />LPI since various dates between 1964 and 1980. <br /> <br />LPI acquired title to lots (or portions of lots) 15 through 24, and 26 through 33, between <br />. October 20, 1964 and November 19, 1980, and appears to have owned these. lots continuously <br />since acquisition. The information submitted by LPI consists of title guarantees for each of the <br />above lots, with deeds attached to support the guarantee documentation. Where more than one <br />deed is identified for one lot, the property at issue generally was described by metes and bounds, <br />and we assume, based on the title guarantees, that some portion of the lot was transferred by each <br />listed deed (the lot numbers were assigned as part of the subdivision and platting of the Pioneer <br />Business Park that was finalized in 1998). <br /> <br />Page 2 of9 <br />
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