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additives, concrete curing compounds, acids for cleaning masonry surfaces, <br />paints, thinners); and concrete washout. <br /> <br />Construction site management plan (CSMP) <br />.A set of maps, data, <br />drawings, specifications and narrative that describes expected runoff from <br />new construction sites, and establishes best management practices or <br />equivalent measures to be taken for preventing erosion and controlling <br />sediments, surface runoff and other pollutants from construction activities. <br />For purposes of sections 6.401 through 6.645, the CSMP serves as the City <br />(ESCP) required by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and <br />the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) required by the United <br />Stated Environmental Protection Agency. <br /> <br />Dewatering <br />. The removal and disposal of surface water or groundwater <br />during construction or for the purpose of facilitating construction. <br /> <br />Jurisdictional wetland <br />. An area that is inundated or saturated by surface or <br />ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and which <br />under normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation <br />typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands include <br />swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas. Any parcel or portion of a parcel <br />which meets the state or federal definition of wetlands that are under the <br />jurisdiction of state or federal laws. Synonymous with "wetland." <br /> <br />Minor recurring activities <br />. Repetitive minor construction, maintenance and <br />operational activities on existing infrastructure that are performed as part of <br />an overall work plan or program when no individual disturbance exceeds <br />more than 500 square feet of land area and 50 cubic yards of fill or <br />excavated material. Examples include, but are not limited to, connections <br />and extensions of utility service, repair of utility and infrastructure facilities, <br /> <br /> <br />Stormwater facilities. <br />Any structure or configuration of the ground that is <br />used or by its location becomes a place where stormwater flows or is <br />accumulated including but not limited to pipes, sewers, curbs, gutters, <br />manholes, catch basins, ponds, open drainage ways, runoff control facilities, <br />water quality facilities, wetlands and their appurtenances. <br /> <br />Stormwater related natural resource areas <br />. Areas located within or <br />adjacent to the city's stormwater system, such as waterways, wetlands, <br />conservation zones or easements and riparian areas, which, due to their <br />location, topography, vegetation, or other factors provide one or more of the <br />following stormwater functions: flood control, streambank stabilization and <br />water quality treatment, including pollutant removal, shading and temperature <br />stabilization. <br />Ordinance - Page 2 of 7 <br />