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Item 5: Ordinance Concerning Condominium Conversion
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 07/10/06 Meeting
Item 5: Ordinance Concerning Condominium Conversion
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6/9/2010 12:52:00 PM
Creation date
7/3/2006 3:13:10 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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application, a certificate of repairs by the inspector showing correction <br />of the violations. No developer, however, shall use this certificate or <br />report in any advertisement or indicate to anyone in any fashion, for the <br />purpose of inducing a purchase of a condominium or cooperative unit, <br />that the city or any of its departments has approved the building or unit <br />for sale.] <br />(ba) [Engineer/architect's certificate.] Common elements report. The <br />applicant shall supply to the city manager a [certified] report prepared <br />by a reserve specialist or other professional approved by the City <br />[from a qualified licensed engineer or registered architect] describing <br />the condition and expected useful life of all common elements including <br />the roof, foundation, external and supporting walls, mechanical, <br />electrical, plumbing, heating, all other major mechanical and utility <br />systems, together with an estimate at current market prices of repair or <br />replacement costs for those items requiring immediate major repair or <br />eventual replacement. The report shall separately list the condition and <br />expected life of all components of common elements and shall include <br />the approximate dates of installation of the common elements and <br />components and the dates and description of major repairs or <br />renovations of the common elements and components. The report shall <br />show on each page the date of preparation of the report. It shall clearly <br />disclose which common elements could not be physically inspected and <br />which estimates for these common elements were not made on the <br />basis of a physical inspection. The report shall identify the sources <br />used in the provision of all information, including the condition of <br />common elements, the estimates of expected useful life and repair and <br />replacement costs. The report shall also contain a summary of all city <br />building official records pertaining to each building's major repairs or <br />renovations. The definition of "major repair" and "major renovation" <br />shall be set by administrative rules issued hereunder. <br />(cb) Applicant's affidavit. The applicant shall file an affidavit attesting to the <br />truth of the following: <br />1. That the applicant has notified all tenants residing in the building <br />to be converted and any affected neighborhood group of the <br />permit application. The affidavit shall also state that the applicant <br />has kept signed receipts from all affected tenants certifying that <br />each tenant has received copies of the notice of planned <br />conversion and the proposed tenant assistance plan contract. <br />The applicant shall state in the affidavit that such receipts shall be <br />kept on file in this city by the developer or the developer’s agent <br />subject to inspection by the city manager at any reasonable time <br />for a period of three years from the date the receipt is taken. For <br />the purpose of this provision, a refusal to accept notice of intent to <br />convert or the tenant assistance plan contract shall constitute <br />receipt by any affected tenant. <br />2. That the informational brochure on condominium conversion <br />provided by the city has been distributed to all tenants who reside <br />in the building proposed to be converted. <br />Ordinance - <br />3 <br /> <br />
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