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Ordinance No. 20194
City of Eugene
2000 No. 20184-20219
Ordinance No. 20194
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 11:00:12 AM
Creation date
7/7/2006 3:16:37 PM
City Recorder
James D. Torrey
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<br />cutting and/or streambank erosion, such as: vault-filters, check-dams, settling <br />bays, ponds and vegetative filters, and in-stream bio-engineering devices <br />designed to reduce velocity of flow. <br />(f) Roadside ditches constructed for the specific purpose of providing <br />drainage for the roadway. <br />(3) Where the prohibitions of subsection 6.655(2) would result in preventing all <br />viable economic use of the property, or would prohibit the use of more than 33 percent of the <br />property, the city manager may grant a site specific exemption to allow some viable economic use <br />of the property, or the use of not less than 67 percent of the property. <br />( 4) Where the city manager determines that relocation and/or realignment of an <br />open waterway can be accomplished in a manner that is consistent with the purpose of section 6.650, <br />the city manager may authorize that relocation or realignment. If the city manager does so, the city <br />manager shall impose such conditions as he or she deems necessary to ensure that the relocated or <br />realigned open waterway is comparable in functions to the existing open waterway. The city <br />manager shall not approve such relocation or realignment unless the proposal, in addition to being <br />consistent with the purpose of section 6.650, meets the following criteria: <br />(a) All required state and federal permits have been approved, <br />(b) The proposal is consistent with existing local plans and policies, <br />(c) The proposal is consistent with applicable city stormwater <br />development requirements and design specifications including drainage, flood <br />control, water quality treatment, related natural resources protection and maintenance <br />access needs, and <br />(d) Any requirements imposed by administrative rules adopted pursuant <br />to section 2.019 of this code. <br />(5) No use or activity under subsections (2) - (4) of this section shall commence <br />until the proposed use or activity is approved by the city manager. <br />(a) Except for decisions based on subsection (2), the city manager shall <br />not issue a decision under this section without first providing public notice and an <br />opportunity for public comment consistent with the requirements to be adopted by <br />administrative rules under section 6.665(3). <br />(b) The city manager shall deny approval unless the proposal <br />demonstrates that any potential negative impacts to the waterway have been avoided <br />and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. To the extent there are remaining <br />impacts, they are to be mitigated in accordance with adopted city administrative rules <br />which shall require rehabilitation of the degraded hydrological, ecological, and water <br />quality treatment functions, or alternatively, payment to a mitigation fund at an <br />amount determined by the city manager sufficient to secure rehabilitation of lost <br />functions. As part of the administrative rules to be adopted under section 6.665(3), <br />the city manager also shall provide guidance for making determinations on avoidance <br />and minimization. <br /> <br />6.665 Open Waterways - Enforcement. <br />(1) Failure to comply with the provisions of sections 6.650 to 6.660 of this code <br /> <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />
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