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<br />(4) In case of an emergency, the ordinance shall state in a separate section the <br />description of the emergency and a finding as to why the emergency cannot be adequately <br />addressed by the established process in section 28(1). With the unanimous consent of the <br />councilors present, the council may adopt an ordinance to address the emergency with such <br />abbreviated notice of the ordinance and council meeting as the council finds to be practicable <br />under the circumstances. <br /> <br />Section 32. rTiInes oft Effective Date of Or din an ces . [An ordinance takGS effect thiI1y day s aftGr <br />its adoption by tI1C coullcil and approval by tile mayor or passagG over thG mayor's vGto, UllleSS it is <br />necessary to havG inunediate ,,ffcct for the prGSGr vation of the peace, hGalth, and safct) of the cit), <br />states in a SGpalate scction tile rGasons ~h, it is so neGGssatJ, and is appro ved by thG affirmati ve votG <br />of t~o-thirds of thG membGrs of the Gouncil. In that event it takGS Gffcct immediatdy upon its <br />adoption by the council atld apPloval by the mayor 01 passagG over his vGto or at whatGvGr <br />subsequent tiInG the ordinancG spGcifiGs.] <br />(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, an ordinance takes <br />effect 30 days after its adoption by the council and approval by the mayor or passage over the <br />mayor's veto, or at a later date specified in the ordinance. <br />(2) With the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the council, the <br />council may provide for an ordinance to take effect immediately upon adoption by the council and <br />approval by the mayor or passage over the mayor's veto, or at some other date less than 30 days <br />after adoption, if the council determines that the earlier effective date is necessary to serve an <br />important public purpose. An ordinance with an effective date of less than 30 days after adoption <br />must include a separate section stating specifically why the earlier effective date is necessary. <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />Exhibit A - 2 <br />