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CC Minutes - 06/14/06 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/14/06 Work Session
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6/9/2010 10:29:18 AM
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7/31/2006 11:33:20 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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the resolution would come before the MPC for a vote at its July 2006 meeting and he was hopeful about the <br />outcome. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé commented that John Hire was a first-class individual and would be missed. He said that the <br />McKenzie River Trust and McKenzie Watershed Council hosted a visit by Oregon Fish and Wildlife deputy <br />director Marshall Jones to view the Willamette River corridor and Green Island at the confluence of the <br />McKenzie and Willamette rivers. He said Mr. Jones was excited about the potential of joining Green Island <br />with the Finley Reserve near Corvallis and obtaining additional resources. He urged councilors to advocate <br />for the project to Oregon’s congressional delegation . He said the McKenzie Watershed Council was <br />concerned about development in the Horseshoe Bend area by McKenzie Bridge. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman encouraged councilors to accept the invitation from McKenzie River Trust to tour Green <br />Island on June 28, since the council meeting for that date was canceled. She noted that the Eugene- <br />Springfield Metropolitan General Area Plan (Metro Plan) process was being opened and requested a <br />definitive memorandum from staff about whether it was possible to address the housekeeping changes made <br />during the last Metro Plan amendments process that resulted in making sections of the Jefferson-Westside <br />neighborhoods vulnerable because of adjustments to map boundaries. She asked for information on how to <br />proceed in sufficient time to take action. <br /> <br />thth <br />Ms. Bettman asked if there was a way to avoid closing Hilyard Street between 13 Avenue and 24 avenues <br />when the project to reconstruct the roadbed was underway. She said the closure could have a significant <br />impact on small businesses in that area. She stated that currently the City required neighborhood residents <br />who participated on a neighborhood board to sign a waiver assuming liability to use any public facility. <br />Noting that the City is self-insured, she asked whether responsibility could be covered so it was not an <br />obstacle to participating in or holding neighborhood events. <br /> <br />Mr. Pryor said he attended a 100% Access Coalition meeting at Lane Community College (LCC) and was <br />pleased at the discussion of successes and progress in accomplishing goals through an integrated, unified <br />effort of private and community partners. He said the Human Services Commission budget hearing in May <br />2006 went very well but too few commissioners were present to conduct a vote so that would occur at the <br />June 19, 2006, meeting. He said there was great appreciation for the contributions from government <br />partners. He said the Churchill Neighbors had new leadership that was breathing life back into the <br />organization. He said there were a number of legislative issues and initiatives that would require close <br />monitoring by the City. <br /> <br />Ms. Ortiz thanked Ms. Taylor and LRAPA for their attention to J.H. Baxter and automobile emissions, both <br />of which impacted her constituents. She agreed with Ms. Solomon that the We Are Bethel Celebration was <br />a great success. She spoke at the Charter Network School graduation and thanked Ms. Bettman for <br />recommending her. She applauded the efforts of non-traditional schools. She said the LCC English as a <br />Second Language (ESL) program was grateful that the council reaffirmed its commitment to human rights. <br />She remarked that there was a good dialogue on the City Hall complex at a recent Downtown Neighborhood <br />Association meeting. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor invited councilors to attend the July 7, 2006, farewell for Fire Chief Tom Tallon at 3 <br />nd <br />p.m. at the 2 and Chambers facility. He also invited councilors to the grand opening of River Play at noon <br />on July 8. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council June 14, 2006 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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