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Item A: Abatement of Noise Pollution
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 08/16/06 Work Session
Item A: Abatement of Noise Pollution
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6/9/2010 12:58:18 PM
Creation date
8/10/2006 3:08:57 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Eugene Code <br /> <br />(c) Sounds made by an emergency vehicle, as defined in ORS <br />801.260, when responding to or from an emergency or when in <br />pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law. <br />(d) Sounds made by current employment of land and buildings for <br />farm uses, i.e., for the purpose of obtaining a profit in money by <br />raising, harvesting, and selling crops or by the feeding, breeding, <br />management, and sale of livestock, poultry, fur-bearing animals or <br />honeybees, or the produce thereof, or for dairying and the sale of <br />dairy products or any othe.r agricultural or horticultural operations <br />or any combination thereof including the preparation and storage <br />of the products raised for man's use and animal use and disposal <br />by marketing or otherwise by a farmer on such farm. <br />(e) Sounds made by activities by ~!-~lJhere.qu.e$tof the city in <br />maintenance, construction, or repair of public improvements in <br />public rignts-ot-way or easements. <br />(f) Sounds produced pursuant to a specific variance granted by the <br />Oregon Environmental Quality Commission, or by the city <br />manager or hearings official under subsection (2) of this section. <br />(g) Sounds caused by sources regulated as to sound production by <br />tederallaw or sounds caused by sources the regulation ot which <br />is preempted by state law. <br />(h) Sounds not electronically amplified, created by athletic and <br />entertainment events other than motor vehicle racing events or <br />fireworks displays. <br />(i) Electronically amplified announcements at athletic events other <br />than motor vehicle racing events. <br />(j) The sounding of any horn or signaling device on an automobile, <br />motorcycle, or other vehicle reasonably required by the exigencies <br />of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. <br />(k) Sounds specifically authorized under a permit or license issued by <br />the city. <br />(2) Variances. Any person who owns, controls, or operates any sound <br />source which does not comply with section 4.080,4.081, or 4.083 of <br />this code may apply to the city manager for a variance. As used herein, <br />"city manager" includes a designee of the city manager. <br />(a) Aoolication. An application for a variance shall be in writing on a <br />form provided by the city, contain the information required by the <br />city manager, and be accompanied by a fee in an amount set <br />under section 2.020 of this code. No application shall be <br />considered received until all required information and the fee have <br />been submitted. <br />(b) Public notification. The city shall give written notice of the <br />application to any officially recognized neighborhood association <br />in boundaries the sound source is located. The city shall <br />also post written notice at the sound source location. The notice <br />shall state the date by which the application will be considered, <br /> <br />4-9 <br /> <br />12/24/2003 <br />
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