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20. Confidentiality <br />To the extent permitted by the Oregon Public Records Law, the Auditor's Office and any investigators or <br />consultants it may employ, and members of the Civilian Review Board shall maintain the confidentiality of <br />records and information in accordance with applicable federal, state and local law and other applicable city <br />6 <br />policies and collective bargaining agreements. <br /> <br />21. Limitations of Power <br />a)The Chief of Police shall make all case adjudication and employee discipline decisions. The police <br /> <br />auditor may develop adjudication recommendations, but is not authorized to recommend the level of <br />discipline for police employees. <br />b)The Civilian Review Board, or any member thereof, may not: <br /> <br /> <br />i. investigate complaints or incidents involving police employees; <br />ii. issue subpoenas or call witnesses; <br />iii. review employee discipline decisions except in the context of reviewing trend reports from the <br />Auditor’s Office consistent with section 8 (d) 3 of this chapter; <br />iv. incur city expenses or obligate the city in any way without prior authorization of the police auditor <br />or City Council. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />6 <br /> There was a question as to whether “applicable city policies” was overly vague and how existing or new contract language would be <br />applied to the ordinance. <br />8 <br />