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Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 09/25/06 Meeting
Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
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6/9/2010 12:26:41 PM
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9/20/2006 3:28:27 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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forward. He said the unanimous decision to move forward was based on many reasons, including the fact <br />that Springfield and Cottage Grove were involved in drafting most of the strategy, their staff was still <br />involved and their elected bodies would have to adopt the coordinated population allocation, which left those <br />communities’ figures at historic trends. He said the City already used population numbers and those drove <br />many policies, models and analyses; the new numbers would drive those same processes but for Eugene, the <br />numbers would be much more in keeping with its growth management policies. He pointed out that even for <br />the modest growth proposed for Eugene the City’s average residential density would have to be increased by <br />25 percent. <br /> <br />Continuing, Mr. Kelly indicated that if the council did not endorse the strategy and took no further action, <br />the City would continue to operate under historic trends and the current Metro Plan, which he believed <br />would make it more difficult to achieve growth management policies. He pointed out innovations in the <br />strategy that added tools such as tying urban growth boundary expansions to achievement of particular <br />residential densities. He asserted that the strategy did not add a layer of bureaucracy as there was no <br />ongoing Policy Board and the strategy would be implemented by jurisdictions in exactly the same way they <br />now operated, but with a regional framework. He agreed with Ms. Bettman’s comments about shifting <br />resources but pointed out that when a new person moved into the area, regardless of the community, there <br />was a cost to the region in terms of utilities and transportation. The best way to provide services and pay <br />for them could be discussed as a region. <br /> <br />Ms. Piercy spoke in support of endorsing the strategy and commended the efforts of regional partners over a <br />lengthy period of time. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé asked if Springfield and Cottage Grove could adopt population forecasts developed using their <br />own approved methodologies instead of adopting the coordinated population forecast. Mr. Kelly explained <br />that the total regional population projection was no different than historic trends; only the distribution among <br />communities was different. He said Springfield numbers were based on historic trends that still added up to <br />the total for the region. He noted that population projections at the State level were required to be adopted <br />by counties; the coordinated population allocation that Lane County would adopt included Springfield and <br />Cottage Grove numbers based on historic trends and numbers based on Region 2050 modeling for other <br />communities. <br /> <br />Mr. Pryor asked if Eugene would fall into the same category as Springfield and Cottage Grove if it declined <br />to endorse the strategy. Mr. Kelly replied that the Policy Board would not adopt the strategy and all <br />communities would be in the same situation. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon, seconded by Ms. Ortiz, moved to endorse the Southern Willamette <br />Valley Regional Growth Management Strategy, dated August 31, 2006. By this <br />endorsement, the City of Eugene agrees to use the goals and objectives and Re- <br />gional Growth Concept embodied in the strategy document, including the coordi- <br />nated population allocations, as a tool to guide growth and development. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon felt that planning should adhere to historic trends and not try to create a new trend to be <br />followed. She said the strategy would be completely unproductive for the community and therefore she <br />could not support it. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman cited regionalizing decision-making as the primary reason she could not support the strategy. <br />She pointed out that many rapidly growing small communities did not have system development charges and <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council August 14, 2006 Page 8 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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