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Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 09/25/06 Meeting
Item 2A: Approval of City Council Minutes
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9/20/2006 3:28:27 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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functions of the board and auditor that could then be refined by the auditor. She said the city attorney <br />reviewed the draft language to ensure it was consistent with the charter amendment. She noted that some <br />previously unresolved issues were also addressed, such as the membership qualifications and background <br />investigation process for the civilian review board applicants. She said the city attorney cited two areas in <br />the draft framework that would be subject to mandatory bargaining: confidentiality of personnel records and <br />timeline for the completion of investigations. She said those issues would need to be resolved prior to <br />enacting the ordinance. She indicated that the commission would work with the city attorney to review <br />definitions and would work with the auditor if desired to help resolve outstanding issues and discuss other <br />areas not included in the draft language that the auditor believed should be in the ordinance. She pointed out <br />that those activities were in the commission’s proposed FY07 Work Plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Denner remarked that much of the commission’s work was about people. He commended the work of <br />outgoing members Tim Laue, Floyd Prozanski, and Tracy Olsen, staff member Jeannine Parisi, and Police <br />Chief Robert Lehner. He pointed out the timeline chart in the work plan that identified on a month-by- <br />month basis the following proposed tasks: <br /> <br />? <br /> Implement stages of the oversight model <br />? <br /> Review and comment on development and implementation of the family violence strategy <br />? <br /> Assist with revisions to the police operations manual <br />? <br /> Conduct work sessions to review the report card on the Lane County Criminal Justice System, the <br />staffing consultant’s report on current and future staffing levels and Perspectives in Profiling train- <br />ing <br /> <br />Mr. Denner stated that the commission’s ongoing involvement in the oversight process would include <br />building collaborative relationships that extended to the auditor’s office, continuing to refine the draft <br />ordinance framework, working on policies and procedures for the auditor’s office as requested, aligning <br />Internal Affairs policies with the operations of the auditor’s office and examining whether the commission’s <br />role should change. He emphasized the commission’s ongoing concern about family violence and its search <br />for ways to address that critical issue. He noted the FY07 Work Plan was approved at the commission’s <br />last meeting and invited questions and comments from the council. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon was pleased that the commissioners would be working on the issue of family violence and <br />suggested that they solicit input from the Relief Nursery and other organizations in the community that dealt <br />with the victims of family violence. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly commended the commission for the extent and quality of its work. He supported the FY07 Work <br />Plan and appreciated the plan to address family violence. He thought the draft ordinance framework was <br />thorough and agreed with the recommendation to involve the auditor in finalizing the language. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé also thanked the commission for its hard work and Mr. Laue for his leadership. He was pleased <br />that the Police Department was proceeding to wards certification and asked if Lexipol established the <br />certification guidelines and standards. Chief Lehner said that Lexipol was a subscription service to a model <br />policy manual that was used as a base product from which each department would then develop its own set <br />of policies and procedures. He said Lexipol expedited the process because the fundamental development <br />work related to legal requirements was already done and the policy implications of state and federal court <br />cases were monitored on an ongoing basis. He estimated that the certification process would take about two <br />years. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council August 14, 2006 Page 3 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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