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Item B - MWMC Agreement
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 04/11/05 WS
Item B - MWMC Agreement
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4/7/2005 8:32:05 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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During its discussion of the IGA at the February 9, 2005, work session, the council raised a few <br />questions and made a few requests of staff. The proposed amendments to the IGA would have separated <br />the dispute resolution process from the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) and assigned it to a <br />dispute resolution body comprised of members selected by the MWMC partners. The council <br />questioned this proposed change, and indicated a preference to retain the MPC as the dispute resolution <br />body. The proposed change to the dispute resolution process has been deleted from the final draft IGA, <br />leaving the MPC as the formal dispute resolution body. <br /> <br />The council also discussed potential implications of the proposed IGA amendments relative to the issue <br />of Coburg' s request to connect to the regional wastewater system. In this respect, the council requested <br />that Coburg be provided a courtesy copy of the final draft IGA. <br /> <br />The council is scheduled to consider the amendments to the IGA and issuance of revenue bonds by <br />MWMC again on May 9 and to hold public hearings on the ordinance and resolution on that date. Final <br />action on both the ordinance and the resolution is scheduled for May 23, 2005. <br /> <br />Financial and/or Resource Considerations <br />The regional wastewater program is supported by user fees, which are established annually by the <br />MWMC and reviewed and ratified by the City Councils of Eugene and Springfield, and the Lane County <br />Board of Commissioners. Capital projects are also supported by revenue from systems development <br />charges (SDCs). The proposed changes to the IGA do not directly affect these rates, but they improve <br />and strengthen the agreement for the bond market and give the MWMC the ability to offer revenue <br />bonds that will be competitive in the market. The most cost-effective financing for the regional <br />wastewater projects is a combination of user fees, SDCs, and bond proceeds. Without the ability to <br />obtain competitive bond rates, the commission would have to consider raising user rates in the next <br />fiscal year, possibly by as much as 65%, to generate the necessary revenues. <br /> <br />The 2004 Facilities Plan outlines a schedule for construction of the capital improvements necessary to <br />maintain the needed wastewater treatment capacity and capability. This schedule, if followed, allows <br />MWMC to maintain compliance with the current discharge permit and anticipated future needs of the <br />Eugene/Springfield communities. Adhering to the Facilities Plan construction schedule for the next five <br />years is crucial if the MWMC is to comply with a deadline of 2010 set by the Oregon Department of <br />Environmental Quality (DEQ) to prevent wastewater overflows during specified storm events. Delays <br />in the construction schedule will result in any or all of the following consequences: 1) increased costs of <br />construction; 2) increased costs due to enforcement actions taken by the DEQ or the Environmental <br />Protection Agency (EPA) or both; 3) increased costs from defending MWMC and the partner agencies <br />from regulatory enforcement actions and/or third party law suits; 4) threats to public health and safety <br />caused by sewer overflows, which are projected in the next few years but will be controlled by <br />constructing the planned improvements according to the Plan schedule; 5) the establishment of a <br />potential requirement that significant industrial users reduce or curtail their discharges during times of <br />peak flows at the plant; and 6) the potential denial of new connections based on inadequate wastewater <br />treatment capacity within regulatory guidelines. <br /> <br />Timing <br />The timing of required capital improvements to the regional wastewater facilities is set forth in the 2004 <br />Facilities Plan. The CIP schedule starts in 2005 and includes an extensive list of projects and activities <br />that must be undertaken to meet the objectives, with the scheduled pace of construction and issuance of <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M050411\S050411B.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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