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funding reqUest contrary to the Mopled policies of the Council- No Rueb lesson fli;aIl tc,,atffy <br />conlrary to adoptod policies of thic Council LinICIS PdOT 10 time Pi'MeMati011 the spt-Akor s;ubinjits, tat <br />tho govVnimiculal cmti,ty a "'ritmi staleinent of the City's position and orally acktlmvledges, <br />berme speaki'lig, that the 1,csfinumy will be contrary to the City's position. Suintnafies of all <br />untiniony defivered mder this, section Rhall, I'le provided to IKe Co4incil, Each summary shall <br />niclude a. description of the tine, place and group belbm wbii;h the SWImcul, was, made, <br />Atgdglll,_4� In the cvvv firvic pragsures do nAil permit time Council to considet, the: <br />testiniony bet -ore Ihe intended tune of preserttation by a of as City Ward or <br />c,ollunissiort, the person rflay speak for the board or ominrnissicni, but, InLISt "plaill flEll the <br />Council Ints not considered the issue, Sunlinarics, of al.1 testini.oily urider this section shall be <br />providw to the Counci 1, <br />�S��gtjpq $�, Any K5ffiwr, emplay6c Or iigoni. OF tho City, the Mayor, or a mWIIIbcF of 6c, <br />Courwil or a City board. or commimion inay take a position Yore or requeim fimditq,from <br />adnflnistrative stafTof State agencies; Municipal oarporatioths, the Federal government, or IIirivafe <br />fbundations without prior approval of the Council, but nniSt dockire that consrdcraflon and <br />approval of the Council Juts not becaii oManxA if that is the casc, This (Im-Wrafion ncal not be <br />given ifflic position or funding requcst pTesented reprc-scnis application of previ,ously adopted <br />counefl poheics will,m rCsP=.r folhic imoboing <br />If the, (.'iqy Managor, or hiq or her deikmee deternijites it iA itrtoOrIMI that thug <br />City of 1° qpeak on a legislative issue or apply for avadable funds anal the hea.ring Schedule <br />or funding application deadline docs not permit prior Goinicil approval, the 00 Nlanagcr or his <br />or her deli gticc is authorizcd to spcak on lialf o0he City ofEugene with kl* <br />council I-egislativc Corri'mi'llee, -Chair. Sunurtaries of all testimony delivered or funding <br />applications submitted under [Iiissection shaU be provided to the Council, <br />Swim 7 Dtk R, eso lud nn is nor Vi be construed to abridge the rights of individuals to <br />Icsfify in Mr6r Own narrios, <br />.21j'Limu . The ProkyWorks of this Ilesoltilion do not apply to tesfirriony bcfarr an agency <br />or cowt in aqaasi-judkial orjudiciat proceeding. <br />SWinn 9 (,opies of this Resolution shall be distribut[cd to die duTpgrtmcnf, bowds, and <br />c�iinmisiottq of" tine City of Eugcnc and, as dcrmccl appTmpriate: by 1110, City Manatee, to glee <br />f7ederat government, Staw Lcgishifivc: Mscmbiy, Stole agertoles, truirticipal collporafions, and <br />private foundafions, bc:f(.)T(, pTr,,,,jeoCqiori of testirnony or funding rquests,. 111C City Ntaflager iis <br />dirw,W to takc any olhvr necessary adri.drilstrative action to implement this Rvsolutim <br />._;t,0tj0N 10. Thins R4--&DlUt20II Shall tx-rconte e6kctive immudi,atCly uplonj its <br />flue lite tomaing ftegoiuflon adupted the I 91b d syof'Aprilk2007. <br />�/V� I"� I <br />.............. .. � A-� � 11 ............ <br />("Ity Recorder <br />Eugene City Council Operating Agreements — October 2011 <br />Page 19 of 19 <br />