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ATTACHMENT H <br /> <br /> MINUTES <br /> <br /> Eugene City Council <br /> Regular Session <br /> Council Chamber--City Hall <br /> <br /> February 28, 2005 <br /> 7:30 p.m. <br /> COUNCILORS PRESENT: George Poling, David Kelly, Betty Taylor, Jennifer Solomon, Chris <br /> Pryor, Andrea Ortiz, Bonny Bettman. <br /> <br /> COUNCILORS ABSENT: Gary Pap6. <br /> <br /> Council President George Poling called the meeting of the Eugene City Council to order. He noted that <br /> Mayor Piercy and Councilor Pap6 were in Washington, DC, participating in the United Lobbying Front <br /> trip. <br /> <br /> 1. PUBLIC FORUM <br /> <br /> Councilor Poling reviewed the rules of the Public Forum. <br /> <br /> Bruce Miller, PO Box 50968, expressed support for the Lane Transit District (LTD) bus drivers in their <br /> current contract negotiations. He felt the drivers needed to have adequate health benefits. He noted LTD <br /> Chief Administrator Ken Harem was in Washington, DC. He did not think this was appropriate given the <br /> grave nature of the negotiations. He suggested the bus drivers merge with the health clinic at Lane <br /> Community College (LCC). <br /> <br />Lyndell Wilkin, 3065 Whitbeck Boulevard, said a recent subdivision had been built in the backyard of a <br />house on her unimproved street. Historically, she explained, the road was gravel, maintained under the <br />"grade and gravel program" until that program had been cut. At this point, the 17 homeowners served by <br />the road assumed responsibility for the road. She stated that it had become difficult to control the dust and <br />keep potholes patched. Working with City staff, she said, the neighbors had been able to pave the road. <br />She wished to focus on the damage caused by the development. She stated that neighbors had met with <br />transportation engineer Gary McNeel regarding the development and had been assured that the road would <br />be brought back to pre-construction condition with an additional inch of overlay on it. She underscored <br />that prior to the development the road was level. Now there were dips and standing water and a lot of <br />cracking. She related that after the construction, the neighborhood still had confidence it would be <br />remedied, but now had been informed that the road was old and no one would be responsible for bringing <br />it back up to its previous state. <br /> <br />Carol DeFazio, 1437 West 10th Avenue, spoke on behalf of the steering committee for the Chambers Area <br />Families for Healthy Neighborhoods (CAFHN). She explained that the group's members had formed the <br />committee in order to be effectively involved in the Chambers Node Revisited (CNR) project. She noted <br />that one goal of the CNR project was the creation and adoption of zoning codes that "promote <br />maintenance of the residential character in the area between 18th and 13th avenues and Polk and Garfield <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council February 28, 2005 Page 1 <br /> Regular Session <br /> <br /> <br />