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<br />Capital Improvements <br />The three processes to move forward with the two capital projects, the Beltline Corridor from Coburg <br />Road to River Road and West 11th from Terry Street to Greenhill Road are outlined in Attachment A. <br />The three processes include updating the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Transportation <br />System Plan (Transplan), transportation project development, and project prioritization for the FY 2010 <br />- 2013 State Transportation Improvement Program. Attachment B is "A Citizen's Primer - Oregon's <br />Statewide Transportation Improvement Program." <br /> <br />To remain in compliance with federal regulations, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is in <br />the process of updating the RTP. The updated RTP is scheduled for adoption by the Metropolitan Policy <br />Committee (MPC) in March 2007. As part of this update, the West Eugene Parkway could be removed <br />from the RTP and the financially constrained project list. This action would allow the Beltline Corridor <br />from Coburg Road to River Road and West 11th from Terry Street to Greenhill Road projects to move <br />from the illustrative project list to the financially constrained project list. Currently, the study of the <br />Beltline Corridor from Coburg Road to River Road is included in the financially constrained project list <br />and construction is included illustrative project list. An update to Transplan to ensure consistency with <br />the RTP would occur within one year as required by the state Transportation Planning Rule (TPR). <br />These steps are necessary before the projects can be included in the State Transportation Improvement <br />Program. <br /> <br />Later this year, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) plans to initiate the transportation <br />system planning for the Beltline Corridor between Coburg Road and River Road. Transportation system <br />planning is a process to identify a preferred alternative. It includes defining the transportation problem, <br />conducting public outreach, identifying and evaluating alternatives, and identifying a preferred <br />alternative. The development section (D-STIP) of the draft FY 2008 - 2011 STIP includes $2.5 million <br />for the Beltline Corridor between Coburg Road and River Road. The funds would be used for the <br />environmental documentation required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEP A). The <br />implementation of the preferred alternative would be dependent upon funding for construction in the <br />construction section (C-STIP) of a future STIP. <br /> <br />The development of a project for West 11th from Terry Street to Greenhill Road would follow a similar <br />process. The corridor study discussed in subsequent paragraphs could constitute the transportation <br />system planning for the project. The project would then have to be prioritized for funding in the last two <br />years of the development section of the FY 2010 - FY 2013 STIP. The implementation of the preferred <br />alternative would be dependent upon funding for construction in the construction section (C-STIP) of a <br />future STIP. <br /> <br />Transportation Plannin2: Studies <br />The West 11th Transportation Corridor Study would extend from Lane Transit District's (LTD) Eugene <br />Station to Greenhill Road. In addition to providing a comprehensive transportation study of the West <br />11 th corridor, the study would integrate two other regional planning study needs. The first study need is <br />the EmX corridor study from the Eugene Station to Beltline. Attachment C is an Agenda Item Summary <br />for the September 19, 2006, LTD Board of Directors' meeting regarding the West 11th Transportation <br />Corridor Study and how it might integrate with an EmX corridor study on West 11th. The second study <br />need is the transportation system planning for the West 11th from Terry Street to Greenhill Road project. <br /> <br />LICMOl2006 Council Agendas1M0610091S061009C.doc <br />