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<br />. . <br /> <br />.Applicati:on:Gaty.E. :R8:YOf_ '.Metropolitan' W~~.te.. Water Conl1nissioll <br /> <br />. Page .~ <br /> <br />. . . <br /> <br />LWhat experience. training.andlQr qualifications do you Qavefotthis particular board or <br />com~i.sBi011? <br /> <br />Past Go've,mil1g :Boaro Experienc'e':. <br />a) I was a 111ember of the 2001 and 2003 <br />b) 'Oth~rpllblic board me'mberships: <br /> <br />1. Lape,CowIty BUilding Department Appeal Board 1993-1998 <br />2. Lane County' Hhffian 'Board f999-20.o3 <br />3. .Lal1e CO~lnty Regional Air Polh.ltion. Agency 2003 -2005 <br />4. Alternate l11embe.r, Lane Reglo'nal CQuncil of Governtnents 1999-200 I . <br />5. E\lgeneCityC9unci~ -.,yard 1,. .19~9"2QO 1 <br />6:.. Eugene"City Co:un.cil~:'Ward4 20.01-' 2003., <br /> <br /> <br />I am a practicingstmctural and civil engineer with 32 years of ~~i~the design and constmction <br />of projects of all types including water and waste water treatmeilt~,'sY'srems"~' . ";l~y training atld experience, <br />I can objectively evaluate staff prQ'posals.concerlling how the metro sanitatiol1 syste:ln is. run and apply <br />my knowledge to 'guide the agency ill the long tertiI interests of the metropolitan area. <br /> <br />2.' What specifIc cO.ntributlO.ll do .hope to ulake to tlIe ~oard :()f c:9111misslo.n? Why'do yOU want to <br />beconle.a'melnber? . . <br /> <br />I would look very .c1oselyatproposals toexpa.nd the area .ofservice. while fo.cusing' on nIaintainil1g . <br />compact.growth. I would also look very closely at costs. and budgets and guide tile COl1unis:sioll to <br />'provide th'e very best services .po'ssible for the costs. I previous sat 011 this board. asa City Council board <br />assignnlent.alld ellj, very lnuch. Curre.ntly, I atn not on any.public commissions or boards ~l1d <br />\-vould .like to contribute to th.e public gOQd for Eugene, the COt1l1ty~ and the State. <br /> <br />NO.TE: To allol-I' a large nurnber of citizens to serve on boards andconunissions, the City Council <br />. policy allol-vs int.iividua/s 10 serve on only one standing bOfJrt! or comn1ission at a til11C. A current <br />m.en1berof a board/commission 11,ho is a successful applicantfar another board/col11missiol11Vill be <br />req.uired to choose .beJ14Jee1'l the t>>'oappoin~m~nts. This PQlicydoes not apply to ad hoc c:olnmittees <br />or departmental com.mittees .or positions that are designated for m.elnbers oj'S11ecffic advisory group <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL POLICY REGA.Rl),N(lItEAPPOINTMEN.TTO Bl)ARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />I. Members of city adVis.o,.y grollps' maximittti of two consecuiive. Ie-Tins 'wh.en the length Qf the term is three years or more. <br />Individuals serving terms. less !hal' threeyearslt,ill be litu:itedto a:to/al t.?fsixconsecluiw:years of service. <br />2. TIt(! deadline for applicatiO'rt.$ froln' incumbents. is the SOJne' as the deadJin~.I(jr IJeW gpplications. <br />3. Aii: individiiaJ may re.appfyfor appointlnenl to a b,oardor commission qfter at least a one year hi'l:Iusji~otn service. <br />4. City of Ei,genee.,,,p!oyees: 111fl)1 not'serve onCityo..f Eugelle boards or comlnissj()ju; e)iCept as speciflqa/(v provitle(:1 by the ('ity Code, or <br />.as. required' to pl!rfOrlh official.dllties. <br /> <br />lnforln.ation sublnitted on this application is public in fonnat ion. The infornlation provided herein is true and conlplete. A <br />false or nlis~eading' statenlent nlay be cause for elinliuation ftonl cotlsideration. <br /> <br />S ignatl,re of Applicant <br /> <br />,"/' <br /> <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />;; ;/S"/Oh <br /> <br />t', <br /> <br />'Ref-n.rn eornpl~te(}ap'pli~ati.()1l'8 t d~' <br />Clty Manager;sOftlc'e <br />777 Pe~lrl: StrQet, Room 1:05 <br />:E:ug~ne., OR. 9:7401 <br /> <br />;. <br /> <br />F :\PERSDlR\GER\2006BCCappl jcati~n .doc <br />