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Item 3: Exchange of Real Property Interests on Franklin Boulevard
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 10/23/06 Meeting
Item 3: Exchange of Real Property Interests on Franklin Boulevard
Entry Properties
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10/19/2006 10:36:22 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br /> <br />access to the site. Exhibit A is an aerial that illustrates the City parcel and frontage on the highway. The <br />two westbound lanes closest to the property are the off ramp of northbound I-5 which is under ODOT <br />jurisdiction. Consistent with the access management standards in ODOT’s Highway Management Plan <br />and Division 51 of the Oregon Administrative Rules pertaining to access control, ODOT will not permit <br />a new access approach onto this section of highway/freeway ramp. The jurisdictional transfer from <br />ODOT to the City of Eugene of a portion of Franklin Boulevard/Highway 99 does not include this <br />segment. The transfer area begins on the west side of the Walnut Street intersection and continues <br />westerly. ODOT will retain the intersection and the area east of the intersection as it involves the I-5 off <br />ramp. It should further be noted that even if there was an access constructed to this site, it would only <br />be accessible from the off ramp lanes. The main westbound traffic movement from Springfield are the <br />next two lanes to the south of the off ramp and the traffic in those lanes could not make a legal or safe <br />turn to cross the off ramp lanes. The eastbound traffic movement also would not be permitted to cross <br />the four westbound lanes or the existing median between the east and westbound lanes. <br /> <br />The appraised market value of the easement rights of the Tedron property were diminished significantly <br />because most of this area is encumbered by the existing Millrace. As such, the City and the property <br />owners agreed upon the proposed cash difference of $143,300, or about $108,300 more than the initial <br />appraisal of $35,000 with the differential to be paid to the City by Tedron Properties. The proposed <br />settlement is based upon an average unit value of the entire Millrace easement area and the northern- <br />most 2,000 square feet of the city parcel (very steep slope) of $.75 per square foot, while the majority of <br />the City parcel which is at street grade is valued at $15.00 per square foot. <br /> <br />Public Works staff has further reviewed the proposed exchange of property rights with Planning and <br />Development staff with regard to desired development plans in the area, the Walnut Station mixed-use <br />study, and related plans for possible boulevard improvements, extension the pedestrian/bicycle corridor, <br />and control and maintenance of the Millrace, as well as its connectivity to existing City owned parks and <br />open space lands immediately east of the subject area and adjacent to the river. While these future <br />improvements are still under study and subject to further design input, it appears obtaining control of the <br />Millrace would be advantageous. <br /> <br />The proposed easement will convey to the City all rights of possession to the subject area including, but <br />not limited to, public bicycle/pedestrian access, maintenance of the Millrace, removal or planting of <br />trees and vegetation, or other improvements as deemed appropriate by the City. <br /> <br />Exhibit B illustrates a typical cross section of the Millrace area to be conveyed to the City. This shows <br />the approximate distances beginning from the edge of the existing motel parking lot (left side of the <br />exhibit), the distance to the edge of the Millrace, the distance from the Millrace to the railroad tracks, <br />and from the railroad tracks to the river. The current Transplan identifies a future bike path in the area <br />between the Millrace and the railroad. The 1974 Eugene Bikeways Master Plan included a cross section <br />of the area showing the bike path being placed between the railroad tracks and the river. Either location <br />will require the City to negotiate with the railroad for an easement to place the bike path on railroad <br />property. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M061023\S0610233.doc <br /> <br />
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