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City Council Newsletter - 10/19/06
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City Council Newsletter - 10/19/06
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Council Newsletter
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<br />Bills for the second year of the program were recently mailed. If payment is not made within 30 days, a <br />$20 late penalty is applied to the account. A second bill is then sent within 30 days and an additional $20 <br />penalty is incurred for nonpayment. This process continues generally on a 30-day cycle until the account <br />with the cumulative late penalties is forwarded for collection by an outside agency to close out the fiscal <br />year. The late penalty has generated a considerable number of phone calls and drop-in contacts. The <br />program supervisor does exercise discretion in applying the penalty when circumstances outside of the <br />owner’s control are involved. <br /> <br />Staff continually updates the database as they track a significant number of changes in ownership and <br />management of properties. The equivalent of approximately two full-time staff is budgeted to the <br />program. Actual staffing of the program is distributed between several employees who also deal with <br />unsafe structures and other building code-related enforcement. <br /> <br />For more information on the Rental Housing Program, contact staff at 682-8282 or Rachelle Nicholas, <br />Planning and Development Department, at 682-5495, or <br /> <br />Community Emergency Response Training Continues with Business Support <br />Another group of community volunteers <br />graduated in October from Community <br />Emergency Response Team (CERT) <br />classes, making a total of more than 155 <br />people who have now have completed this <br />City training. In the program, community <br />members receive 21 hours of classes on <br />subjects such as disaster preparedness, fire <br />safety, emergency medical care, light <br />search and rescue, and disaster <br />psychology. The class series, taught by <br />volunteer instructors and City of Eugene <br />nd <br />Fire/EMS staff at the 2 and Chambers <br />training facility, concludes with a four-hour <br />mock disaster exercise. <br /> <br />Dr. Geoff Simmons is the volunteer lead <br />CERT instructor and has been instrumental in <br />the program's success. Though the program was initially funded by grants from the Department of <br />Homeland Security, those grant dollars have become harder to obtain. The current class was funded by <br />local businesses that recognize the value of having citizens trained to assist in the event of a disaster. The <br />Chambers Foundation, SELCO Community Credit Union, Harry Ritchie Jewelers, Norwest Safety, and <br />PacificSource Health Plans have all given generous donations to make this program possible. For more <br />information on the CERT program contact Chuck Solin, Emergency Program manager, at 682-5664. <br /> <br />Eugene FireMed Membership Program <br />In conjunction with Fire Prevention Week, the Eugene Fire & EMS <br />Department’s FireMed Program sponsored a display table on Saturday, <br />October 7, 2006, at Home Depot’s Fire Prevention Day community event. <br /> <br />Approximately 50 people visited the FireMed table. Over half of those people <br />had never heard of the FireMed program, and were interested enough to take <br />a program brochure with them. “How does FireMed work if I do or do not have <br />insurance?" was the most frequently asked question. The answer is that <br />FireMed covers any out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance, and if <br />someone does not have insurance, then FireMed covers the entire cost of a <br />medically necessary ambulance transport. Glow in the dark bracelets that <br />said, "When fire strikes get out and stay out!” were distributed and were very popular with the children. <br />For more information, please contact Eugene FireMed Membership Program staff at 682-7199. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 <br />October 19, 2006 <br />
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