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CC Minutes - 09/11/06 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 09/11/06 Work Session
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Creation date
10/25/2006 9:23:27 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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A. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM MAYOR, CITY <br />COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon reported that the Manufactured Housing Subcommittee continued to meet and would propose <br />ordinance changes to the council early next year. She said the Friends of Golden Gardens held a benefit <br />garage sale and raised approximately $2,000 to help pass the parks bond measure. <br /> <br />Mr. Papé commented that there were two organized committees to assist with passing the parks and library <br />bond measures. He encouraged councilors to become involved in their efforts to pass the measures. He <br />expressed disappointment that the Whole Foods project was on hold and hoped that was temporary. He said <br />that private investment in the downtown would be the start of revitalization efforts. <br /> <br />Mr. Pryor reported he attended the Lane Workforce Partnership and Lane Metro Partnership awards <br />ceremony. He was pleased to see local companies recognized for their efforts regarding employment. He <br />said that School District 4J Superintendent George Russell spoke about the critical link between education <br />and employment. He noted the addition of a west Eugene intersection to the list of most dangerous <br />intersections and indicated he would be advocating for both short- and long-term traffic solutions for that <br />part of the community. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman thanked Chief Lehner and Chief Groves for their earlier comments. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly thanked Downtown Events Management Inc.’s volunteer board and the hundreds of other <br />volunteers for a superb Eugene Celebration over the weekend. He also thanked Chief Groves and Chief <br />Lehner for their remarks. He read a poem by Pablo Neruda called “Keeping Quiet” as a reflection on the <br />anniversary of September 11, 2001. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor thanked Mr. Kelly for his reading and Chief Lehner and Chief Groves for their comments. She <br />said that her recent visit to Eugene’s sister city of Irkutsk, Russia was enjoyable and inspiring and related to <br />September 11 because the more international relationships there were on any level, the more likely people <br />were to hesitate before killing others. She wondered whether having sister cities in Iraq would have made a <br />difference. She was impressed by the warmth and hospitality of the people of Irkutsk and their gratitude for <br />what had been done through the sister city initiative, such as the donation of library books. She said Irkutsk <br />residents were very interested in furthering the arts and there were discussions of exchanges between the <br />sister cities, including exchanges of children’s art. <br /> <br />Mr. Poling announced there would be an open house at Cal Young Middle School on September 14 and a <br />Harlow Neighborhood Association meeting on September 20 at Monroe Middle School would host a <br />candidates’ forum with Oregon State Senate candidates Jim Torrey and Vicki Walker. <br /> <br />Ms. Ortiz also thanked Chief Lehner and Chief Groves. She said a Trainsong neighborhood picnic would be <br />held on September 13 and she recently attended the Whiteaker neighborhood celebration. She said the <br />Latino Business Network would be hosted at the Town Club on September 12 and later that evening the <br />Toxics Alliance would discuss railroad pollution at the Red Cross facility on Bethel Drive. <br /> <br />Ms. Piercy said there would be a presentation on the visit to Irkutsk, Russia on November 8, 2006. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—City Council September 11, 2006 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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