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<br /> <br />mocticn 3. S~Qtion 1.519 of th. IUR.n~ C~d~, 1971 11 h@roby <br />~w ~~ W <br /> <br />&\n\~1ndod to r~u\Cl1 <br /> <br />6. !j 19 ObnQxiQ\ul V~liJ.'t:..tion - f30tW4Jelm MAY 1. and <br />~n@ 1'5- Q! eaoh'ryii"r"tni "'!1na.1.oQ off 1eot' ..hall C:H.'UI~ <br />to b@ publilh~a thro~ timal in ~ n~wlpftp~r of ;~norQl oi~eul.- <br />tion in the oity ~ QOPY of S~atiQn 6.51$, Q~ ~ netlc@ to all <br />own~rl IU'\t.' )j}~rIlJOtHl in C,-,lHUi'Qllil c:l:f! f;)t.'Or~~t'ty C'Jf t.h~ir duty to k.~p <br /> prap.~~y frGe of obnoxioul v.g~t~tian. Tha notice Ih~11 <br />mt.t~ that thl city i~ willin; tOlbAtG lucha nulm&ncc on Any <br />particular parcol o! p~QPlrty It the r~quolt of tho own.: or <br />p~rlon in chlrv@ of th~ p:cpmrty, for I f~; luffioilnt to CQv~r <br />the aity'8 OOBtl of the ~bltcmcnt. Th~ notig@ Ihall 1110 utatl <br />that, ~v.n in th~ ~bl~ne@ of lueh rcqu'lt8, thQ city intondl to <br />abatG 111 oueh nuillncI8 10 0: mQr~ daYI A~t~r tho finAl publi~ <br />c'4ltd.on of tho notj.e~,'lC! t;Q ohcu:;~ tho eC)fltt. of fJo11'lq It' on any <br />p~rtieulQr parcml of property to th~ cwnlf thQrQof, th~ p=rlon <br />in eh.r~~ th~r~of, or th@ propatty itB~l!. <br /> <br />l~~!' SeQtion 6.521 Ot th~ mUi~nc Code, k971 i~ h~r~by <br /> <br />3tT\~J'\dtilld t,o f.@i\{l; <br /> <br />Oku,\Qx.~~Q\,U' V..~tlJ.t1Ql'l .. ~)t'i vlt" AbltcnlC'lnt. <br />m"wlti, in ,-ai"ym I !ii'i: .;~1\~ 1 t:FiIrntiE!i ca ti on o~ <br />the netioD for wnich ~Qetion G.!19 provid~i, or Ii loon thQro- <br />aft~r AI I ftU111nCo AI dlfinQd in SQotion 1.51!l QQCUrl, th. <br />Qwne.u: or PflU:IC11 ~,fl ghlr.~; of thfa prQL'J~u."ty wh~r(l! iJ~eh a rnliI IU'10Q <br />O(~C\'l:1 Ihall il\bai~a 'thca nu:1,tHlnoc, ~XQ@pt II lub;lCi)t~t1f)n (:2) of <br />thiu ~~otion provid~6 to tho oontl~ry. <br />(2) 111hCi1 OWI'H-U-" I(,)t' E'CUfIQrl ;lr~ ehlfU:;e,~ of; ~rcporty whQ 11 <br />Appr~hQn.iv~ that VCV.t~ttQn on the proparty i~ l1klly tobQ <br />.lle;~dly in violation 01 S~at1Qn G.~l!, ~r who d.n1ol that I <br />nui~lnac am d@~inI4 in thlt IGction @Milt~ Oft tha proporty, mAY <br />til. with tho finlnca ofeiclr a written prot~lb dlftyin; thAt <br />Duah m nu!manoG ~K1ltm on th~ propijrty. Th~ city mmnaq@r or <br />h1~ d~81;nlta hnal1 th~n dute~min~ thl ~u1lAnoe ~O~I mo <br />~xlmt. Th~t d~t~rminltion mhal1 bw lin~l. Ir it 11 AffLrmativQ, <br />th. Qwn~r or p~tlQn in aharv; mhall a~U8a thg nui~anc; to bQ <br />Ab.t~d within t~n 41YI aftar thl d~tlrmination. <br /> <br />6.521 <br /> <br />l~at1on ~. Seation 6.523 of thQ lu;~ne CCd0, 1971 11 h~~oby <br />~l;~~WIL-I_ D.lI!" J.I...JJJ.. <br /> <br />(!Un ~ fl '1 G tlt;, c., r t:Ul c! ~ <br /> <br />G.!S2j <br /> <br />0;,. n ~~. t\ll ...Im'!! t ,!:.gri .llllmtnr.ti1.J;?~_ 0 i t~. '4.- <br />TIT ,I.:., ,~, .11 t'hQ llYtJ lirow-iQ'W-',,,,- t~en fL 521 <br />ear ~batin, I nutuanal I~ d~!in~d in Section 6.515, th~ nuilAnel <br />h~~ nat blQn prlv~toly IbAted, the eity mAn.9~r or hil dI81;nat~ <br />~h.l1 oaul. it to b. .b~tDd. <br />(2) Tho p~r~on luthQr1~@d to aaU8@, or ~ot&in@d to <br />c\ Q, t h tJ 4l b fA t .1. 1'\ ~J In III Y fiUl t ~ t'U ~H) flt,lU1 p r f,) r~ (11 r t Y tit. r (HI I!I C rl Ii);) 1 oa~ 11ftl II <br />tor pUrpQI~1 ~f inv~~tiiltinv and .bat!n; th. nui~lnQ~. <br /> <br />S.atian 6. A n~w ~.ation ra~~1n, and numberud ~~ followl 11 <br />~U:mIlI~~~~.~t2M <br /> <br />h.~aby addad to the Du;~ng Cod~, 19711 <br /> <br />t:),!~2~i <br /> <br /> <br />I V!WWt~J~Jl -C~)J,lcaQt;i"on it Co, <br />l'lAnett"@Tnm~r.''11i!:r11''U~i u l ewn0f or por- <br />~on in =h.~ga or th. P~QP~~tYf or both, to b. b111~a !o~ tho <br />~bltDm.nti The bill ~h.l1 ~t~ta that it may b. probolto' in <br /> <br />