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<br />ATTACHMENT A <br /> <br />Strengthen and Promote Community Arts and Outdoors Assets <br />City Council Priority Issue – Action Plan Update <br />November 2006 <br /> <br />This goal of this priority issue, identified by the City Council in February 2005, is to <br />strengthen and promote Eugene’s arts and outdoors assets together as a community-wide <br />sustainable economic development strategy, both increasing tourism and commerce, and <br />enhancing community livability through expanded access to arts and outdoors amenities <br />and events. The Council approved the action plan to address the issue in July 2005. The <br />following updates are organized within the five elements outlined in that action plan. <br /> <br /> <br />ELEMENT I – Project Initiation <br /> <br />The staff team was formed, determined roles and responsibilities, and established the City <br />as a key partner in the local and regional discussion by providing leadership in the efforts <br />outlined in the other action plan elements. <br /> <br />ELEMENT II – Resource Assessment <br /> <br />The resource inventory is currently underway through activities in existing LRCS, POS <br />and PDD work plans. <br /> <br />ELEMENT III – Arts and Outdoors Identity <br /> <br />This component is to develop and implement a marketing plan, in cooperation with <br />community partners, which strongly aligns Eugene’s identity with arts and outdoors. <br /> <br />? <br /> Marketing Plan <br />The City hired a marketing consultant, Funk/Levis & Associates, to lead development of <br />a collaborative marketing plan to further develop arts and outdoors offerings and to <br />effectively market the community identity locally and to external audiences. One hundred <br />fifty arts and outdoors stakeholders, including key partners identified in the action plan, <br />were invited to one of two community forums held in March 2006; approximately 50 <br />participated. Based on the input, the consultant developed a draft of the marketing plan, <br />which was reviewed and refined by the staff team and participants. <br /> <br />The marketing plan recommends first focusing on organizational steps necessary to <br />increase the likelihood of success and ensure the longevity of the endeavor. The five <br />main strategies recommended in the plan are: 1) secure funding for the effort; 2) create a <br />steering committee of key partners to spearhead collaborative implementation of the plan; <br />3) build alliances between arts and outdoors organizations; 4) develop an inventory of <br />community arts and outdoor resources; and, 5) implement coordinated use of a “World’s <br />Greatest City of the Arts and Outdoors” logo and other marketing techniques. Copies of <br />the marketing plan have been placed in the Council office, and on the Council Priority <br />Issue web page. <br /> <br />