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Item B - Res.on River Ave.LID
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 04/20/05 WS
Item B - Res.on River Ave.LID
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6/9/2010 1:11:35 PM
Creation date
4/14/2005 8:32:58 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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The City Council held a public hearing on April 11, 2005. The record was left open until 5 p.m. on <br />Tuesday, April 12 and three additional documents were received and are included as Attachment C. <br />After the hearing, the City Council requested responses to a number of questions and these are included <br />as Attachment D. <br /> <br />River Avenue is major collector located on the north side of Eugene, running parallel to and then <br />connecting to Beltline Road. River Avenue also connects to River Road, Division Avenue, and Beaver <br />Street, and is one of only three ways to cross Beltline Road between the Northwest Expressway and the <br />river. As a result of increased use, the existing roadbed is deteriorating and needs to be upgraded. In <br />addition, development in this general area and two connection points to the Ruth Bascom Riverbank <br />Trail System is creating a need to accommodate a variety of transportation users, including bicyclists, <br />bus riders, pedestrians, and motorists, for current and future needs. The land use is primarily <br />commercial, government (MWMC Water Pollution Control Facility, US Post Office and Veteran's <br />Clinic) and multi-family residential. <br /> <br />The process for design included notifications to and one-on-one meetings with affected properties about <br />many issues including survey work, right-of-way acquisition and design issues relating to acquisition, <br />trees, driveways, parking, utilities and sidewalks. A public open house was held in April 2004 at the <br />Water Pollution Control Facility on River Avenue. A public hearing was held in June 2004. Following <br />the Board of County Commissioners authorization in February 2005 to include unincorporated <br />properties in the LID, an informational letter was sent out. Open houses were held on April 5 and 7, <br />2005. <br /> <br />The project is designed in accordance with the adopted Eugene Arterial and Collector Street Plan <br />(ACSP). Parameters that guided design were the nature of existing development and consideration of <br />future development and redevelopment based on zoning, the right-of-way widths and costs of <br />acquisition for commercial properties, impacts to properties, utilities and trees. The standards for a <br />major collector street include sidewalk and bike lanes on both sides of the street, travel lanes, street <br />lights and street trees. The design has taken exception to three items in the ACSP: 1) the standard width <br />for sidewalks on commercial properties is 10 feet wide and the design includes a narrower width due to <br />the type of commercial development seen along River Avenue; 2) the standard setback sidewalks are <br />mixed with curbside sidewalks to minimize right-of-way acquisition, utility conflicts, tree removal and <br />impacts to private properties; and 3) an optional turn lane is included on the west end of the project due <br />to the close proximity and number of driveways and the volume of traffic. <br /> <br />Bids for the project were opened on July 7, 2004, with Babb Construction Co. (dba Delta Construction <br />Co. and dba Delta Concrete) as the apparent low bidder. The contractor has agreed to extend time for <br />consideration of the bid, keeping the 2004 contract prices, until May 2005. <br /> <br />The total project cost is estimated at $2,269,502.16, and is funded from several sources in the following <br />approximate amounts: <br /> <br /> Assessments $1,067,627.86 (47%) <br /> City of Eugene $1,201,874.31 (53%) <br /> <br />The City of Eugene funding includes primarily transportation and stormwater systems development <br />charge funds. A small portion of stormwater pipe maintenance is proposed with this contract and <br />stormwater utility funds would be used for that work. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M050420\S050420B.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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