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<br /> ~2~ <br /> ..-- --~ <br /> ~~-_.. -, - - --" .- ------ <br /> angle point in said Blair Street; thence in a North- <br /> westerly direction along .the southwesterly line of <br />I Blair Street to the point of intersection with the City <br /> Ib1i t line of the City of Eugene; thence northerly along C"') <br /> said City Limits line to an angle point in said. line, fOl <br /> thence easterly along city limi'ts line to a point in the c~ <br /> southwesterly right of way line of the main line of said <br /> railroad; thence in a southeasterly direction along <br /> the southwesterly right of way line of the said main <br /> line, said line being. the northeasterly line of Blair <br /> Street and its projection southeasterly parallel to <br /> and always 30 feet southwesterly from said center <br /> line of said main line to an intersection with the <br /> easterly lin~ of said Blair Street; thence in a <br /> southeasterly direction along said Blair Street a <br /> Mstance of 470 ~eet more or less to the poiht of <br /> beginning, all lying and being in Section 25., Township <br /> 17 South, Range 4 West Willamette Meridian, ~ane <br /> County, Oregon. <br /> which description is a portion of Blair Street which is being vacated in conjunction <br /> with a section of the County road lying next thereto by the County Court of Lane <br /> .C oun ty, Oregon, and <br /> v7hereas, said order of vacation was made subject to suitable arrangements <br /> being made as to City utilities, such as sevlers, water mains and pole lines, and <br /> public utilities going through said street, and <br /> 'Whereas, the Pac ific Te legr!3;ph and Telephone Company and the Department of <br /> Light and VlJater of the Cit,y- of .l!..ugene each have pole lines out said <br /> street, and ' . . <br /> 1FJ11ereas, it is desired by the City of Eugene to entirely vacate said property, <br /> IT IS THER~FORE ORDERED: That the portion of Blair Street herein described be <br /> and the same is hereby declared to be vacated, subject to the City's contract with <br />I the Southern Pacific Company with respect to its water main and pole line, and the <br /> City Recorder is hereby directed to prepare a certified copy of this order, togethe <br /> with the former order, and cause both to be recorded in the Deed Records of Lane <br /> County, Oregon, and to pay to the Count;v Surveyor the sum of 02.50 and cause him to <br /> trace upon the Portion of the original plat hereby vacated, in red ink, the words <br /> "vaca ted IT wi th appl'opria te refe rence by number to no ta ti on, giving the book and <br /> page of the deed records in v~lich tfuis order is recorded. <br /> And it is Further Ordered and Directed that this order shall be signed by thS <br /> Mayor' and at te sted by the City Rec order of the City of Eugene, Oregon. <br /> Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 23rd day of January, 1928. <br /> S JLl JJ. a ~y11~Of <br /> ~~T{J9v ~ <br /> City Recorder. <br /> The follmwing Resolution was offered and unanimously adopted: <br /> Vrt'lliR~AS in the assessment of lOth Avenue from Olive Street to Honroe Street, the <br /> . , <br /> North 100 feet of Lot 1, Block 8, Huddleston's Amended Addition to Eugene, Oregon, <br /> was assessed in the name of Anna Winter, and <br /> Vnlereas it appears that on February 29, 1924 the North 65 feet of said tract <br /> ." was sold by Anna ~i~ter to Ernest C and Edna R Howell, which parties immediately <br /> went into possession of such property under such sale, and <br /> Whereas at the time of such assessment on December 12, 1924 such abutting <br />I propertj only should have been assessed for such improvement~ <br /> :3:2 IT TH:l{;Rb:FOHE, RESOLVED: <br /> That the -property of Anna 0inter, described as the South 35 feet of the North <br /> 100 feet of Lot 1, Block 8 of Huddlestons Amended Addition to Eugene, Oregon, be <br /> relieved from the assessment for paving lOth Avenue from Olive Street to ;\Ionroe <br /> Street and the North 65 feet of sadLd propel~ty owned by Ernest C and Edna R Howell <br /> bear the vilhole amount of such assessment and t:J.3 Recorder and Treasurer are hereby <br /> ord.ered and directed to charge such asselSsmen t on~ the Lien Rec ords in such re spec t i e <br /> offices accordingly. <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br />