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<br />r 74 <br /> <br />-~------"'-~~ -_.._-----~ ~~ -~."~~' -- ~--~----,- <br />-'- . - - - .- - .- - <br /> <br />~-------- --_.~-~-------, <br /> <br />~I ~ <br />,~, jl s tree t in s~:e ~i~~r~~~~~~ey jJ:2-~;:d a~c~~~L~a~~e:~'il;e~~:r~~ t ~h~t ~~;~e~O:fl~ gI~y <br />"-, I <br />~ ,Engineer wer3 ordered to check upoon the same to see 11' it confor,.ls to other streets <br />i: II 0 f the C it Y . <br /> <br />Ii An Orliin:,nce lev.J..lng assess;11ent for constl:uctir15 a s~l!litary se~ver in the <br />lallex west of Jefferson Street from 15th Avenue to 19th Avenue was read the first <br />Ii time am laid over. <br />I' <br />'I An Ordinance lev,Y.dlg asseSS:llent 1'01' :pavlng the alleys be~ween 12th and <br />il13th Avenues and. between Oak and Pearl ;,trEiets '\'iaS. read.vhe f,irst tHne and laid <br />Ilover. <br /> <br />---~-----~-_._-- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />II - Sixty,,""one :::iidewa 1k,o'Asse ssment O~'dinance s rla v iilt; iJ een reacl the firs t time <br />lion Eay 14, 1928, and. registered notices ,of .f;rotest h;owinfj been sent to each of said <br />:!par'ties, and John Wllealdon and Hiram F. KiJ.bor.n bei,D{.: the only two who protested, <br />iiboth of Ilnich protests were considered and over-ruled, said OJ:'Qin,illces were read <br />lithe second time and passed cheir third reac,ing~ by ti tle b~l unanimousconsen t under <br />:,suspension of the rule and were placed on their final passage. 'Elle ayes 8.Ild nays <br />!were called, all present votirJg aye, absent and not voting, Reid. Such ordin8"nces <br />ilwere declared pa~3sed 2,nd n _mbered 6865 to 6925, both l1u;J.bers incltwive. <br />I <br />II <br />'I An Orclinunce levying assessment;;:, 1'0.1' pa\ri.r.t; the approaches to the bridge <br />:Ion Charnelton StJ:'eet across the Amazon 3101.:Lgh, halTing been read the first time on <br />~ay 14, 1928, and registered notices of pro~est having ~esn sent to each of said <br />'partie s, and no :pro te s t s be lng made, said orclina.cwe lNas__reacl .~l1e sec ond time and <br />:passed its third reading b~/ title b.)F llilanimous. ,;011sent Uilder susIlension of the rule <br />,and was placed on its final passage. The ayes G.lld nays '.rere called, all present <br />!'votin{,:: aye; c.bsent and not ,rating, Reicl. Such ordint:l,l1ce was declared passed and <br />n-:.-mbered 6926. <br /> <br />An Ordinance t; 0 improve Vie tOI'ia Boulevard from the 'iies t line of IiIaple <br />[Street tt> the :::iOUJt:l: line of Victoria Heights Beplat, ;:,nd Rostein Boulevard from the if <br />he.::;t li11e of Vic'toria Boulevard to the South line of Victoria Heights Replat, by <br />paving the sa~e with concrete paving, was re~d Zhe first t~me and passed its second <br />and third r:::adings by ti tle by una:nimo'tLs consent under'suspension of the rule and <br />F8.S placed on its final passage. ~he ~yes ~nd nays were called, all present voting <br />ra.:Te; absent ~tnd Dot voting, Reid. 'l'he ordins,nee was declareJ" passed and nU!llber'ed <br />6927. <br />" <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I~ An Urdinance 3:-pproving and ado:r:;tL.C the rlaDs and s'oecifications of the <br />, City Engineer for the improvement of Vie to ria Bou.le vard from tfie' We st line of <br />'M3.ple street to the SOLth line of Victoria Heighst Replat; a.nd Rostein Boulevard <br />"from the West line of Victotia Boulevard to the ~outh line of Victoria Heights <br />r.epla t, b:' 1'a\r ing the same '.ji tll concre te ''pavlng~ ,.was bead the first, time and passed <br />its second and third readings by title bY'.ll1aDLlOUS consent Dllder 8\,cspension of the <br />:1 rule and was pls.ced on its final passage. 'Ihe,:a~es an(1 nays '/fere called, &11 <br />! present voting aye; aJsent and not ..roting, Reid. 'rhe o.rdillance was declared 'passed <br />I and. nu,] be red., 6928. - <br /> <br />An Ordinance to improve 15th AvenuefroiJ the ~ast .line of Uni ver'si ty <br />street to t~le Vlest line of Agatje Street, bJ :p.avin,g the same \'lith Goncrete paving, <br />vvas read, the first tiwe and passe0" Lts seccnd u.ncL"third readings by ti tle by <br />unanLlOus consent under =us:pensi on of the rule and. was plc. ced on its final passage. <br />1he ayes and nays were cal1e(1, all present voting aye; absent and not voting, <br />Reid. The ordinance was declared passed. and fiQubered 6929. <br /> <br />An Orclinance apP.i?oving and adopting the p12_ns and sgecif'ication of._' <br />~'the City Engineex' fol'"' the improvement of Hith Avenue 1'1' m the ~ast line of Universit <br />Street to the ~ilest line of Agate Street, b.)r pavine t~le saiile with concr8tepaving, <br />i,was t'ead the ::...'irst '~ime L--i.nd passed its second ::,nc1 third.reaclings by ti tle by unanimo s <br />'consent under' suspension of the l'ule ani '[vas :pl3.ce6..on i.ts final passage. 'rhe ayes <br />:,and I1&Ys ',vere (..;alled, all present voting 3.~Te; :losent and Dot voting, Reid. The <br />ordinance was declared pas'sed 3"nd numbered 6930. <br /> <br />I An OrcLinance to im'Dl~ove 12th Avenue ,Z'rcd11 theJIes t line of Olive Street to <br />'. t h ., t 1. - -'~ f"'1 1 1 . S - t J " 1 . ,- " - <br />:' 0.L!JaS 0.1.. GL-larne tOIl tre , oy :)(:1Vlng v~10 S:3.ill0 rn.oGn GJnc1.'ete [, vias Eea <br />,ithe :;:'irst time and passed its second_ ",nd third readings be -:;itle b,y- LillanilIlOUs conS8r1 <br />" d 'n"-h 1 ' l' . "- ~ , 1 '.Lh d <br />i:un eI' 8U8penSlon OI u e ru_e anu was tCLCea on 1.lJ S :L lIla passa&;e. e aye s o.n <br />::nays ,iere called., all present voting aye; abseDt and flot 'TotiJlg, held. 'ihe ordinance <br />IrQS declared passed and numbered 6931. <br /> <br />II <br />i An Ord.inarlce a'9pro'fing' and adoptinC' the plans sncl ~3pec:ii'ications of the <br />:pity ji;n~ineer, for ~h~, irn:prOVE:Unel1t of 12th -<-ive.r:ue f'~0I11 the ,iest; line of 01.~ve St::,eet <br />lito the ;::,ast IHle 01 vnarnelton ::itreet, b'y~ pavlng tne S8,iJ.e, liia~3 1'68.(} bho Ilrst tllTIe <br />:and passed its sec ond and tflird. readings by title boY' unaniiolous c onS8n t unde l~ sus- <br />:~ension of the 1'1.tle ~nd was placed on its final passage. ',the ayes aDd nays ',rere call d, <br />alloresent votirlg ave; absent :':.nd not votin,q:, Reid. fille Ol'cU.cl3.nce was declared <br />~l -- ""- ~ '"-" <br />::passed and numbered 6932. <br />r <br /> <br />.1 <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />~:~, <br />