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<br /> 134 <br /> I <br /> !~- ---:-c-. u:C -.-. .- - ~-_---~-'--~-'-~-------'--'-_.--_.---:C---, - - -. --- ---- - -- ~ - - - - -- -- ~-- <br /> .. -r' - - ---- - - --.- --- -- ,______ __.0'_ ___._ ....._ ___...__ ___ ~ . _____._ _"_ __._ _.___.~,. ~.. - --, -- ~- ---_. -- ~- --.- .... ---- --- ~ ...--- <br /> I c , <br /> Council Ghambeirs, .l!;u.gene, Oregon. <br /> I Novealb er 26, 1928. I <br /> I <br /> ~i Minu.tes of the adjourned meeting of the Gommon CounCil, held at the <br /> mil hour of 7:30 o.clock P. M. on November 26, 1928, there being present Mayor A. L. <br /> "-' - I Williamson and all members of the ~ommon.Council except Washburne, who was <br /> ~I ab sent. <br /> I Meeting called to order by the Mayor at 7:30 o.clock P. M. <br /> i <br /> I! <br /> ., The Judici at' y Commi ttee re:port,~d it has been unable to ge t a meeting <br /> I' <br /> " of the C ommi ttee wi th the peti t ioners rela ti ve to ldlcensing: bicycle s. After <br /> " <br /> II disucssion, th9 matter was laid over until after the f'irst of the year, to <br /> II give the ne,w Council the right to act on such aatter. <br /> I, The Judiciary C ommi ttee als 0 rapor ted the City At torney has not yet <br /> I: been able to make a report relative to the claim of Mrs. Bertha Near for alleged <br /> " <br /> II personal injury caused by a defective Street. <br /> ;' <br /> I: <br /> Ii The li'inan,ce Commi ttee reported favorably on the con tract of Harge;reaves <br /> II & Lindsay for the: paving of 12th Avenue :t'rom Cbarnelt on to Polk ::ltreet, in the <br /> 'I <br /> !I sum of $30,795.97, and recommended such J?aymen t be On roll call, such <br /> 'I report was unanimously adopt ed. <br /> " <br /> Ii <br /> I) The :Street Committee called upon the City Engineer to report relat,ive <br /> to the ma tter of the widening of Franklin Boulevard ne:ar thl9 Anchorage, and the <br /> I' Engineer repo.l"'Ged that all c oncerened are in favor of changing the course of tm <br /> II <br /> I. Mill Race at;~lthat point so as to widen the Street, and stated he will have his <br /> :1 plans ready for the next meeting of the Council. <br /> :1 <br /> Ii The Ji'ire & Water Committee rp:ported the Oreg'on Seed & Feed Co. has, <br /> ;1 changed it s purpose, and does not now desire to use the bu ilding on 5th Avenue <br /> I, just west of ,Willamette Street, so its 1'6 tit ion for that purpose was ordered <br /> :1 f i 1 ed. <br /> :1 The Health, Printing, and. Sewel' Committees had no reports to make. -I <br /> !I <br /> i! The ]?olice Committee stated the Police Headquarte,!:'s need b eat during <br /> II the night ti me" as the building is not aclequa tely hea ted to permi t the Nigh t <br /> II <br /> I, Sergeant to si ti there during the night hour s. After di scus sion, the Chief of <br /> if Polic e was dirac ted to see what he could find in the way of two large elec t~~c <br /> I <br /> I' heaters, ani1lr.6P'-9rt'tback his findings at the .next meeting of the Council. <br /> " <br /> II <br /> II The l>olic.e Commi ttee further spol<;e of the number IDf dogs running at <br /> II <br /> large in the City, all of which appear t (I have no licenses, and after discussion, <br /> the Chief of Police was directed to employ a dog-catcher at once, to rid the <br /> town of surplus dogs. <br /> The :Police Committee further stated the City needs additional patroiCmen <br /> during the winter months, and on roll call. it was ordered that the Chief employ <br /> two Additional men at once. <br /> J. M. Murray appeared and spoke further as to his petition asking for, <br /> a rebate of interest on the assessment of t140.00 assessed against his property <br /> on t be Southwest corner of 5th Avenue and igh Street. The mat ter of the addition- <br /> al assessment of $140.00, which assessment Ordinanc.e has beHn read the first tif.:le, <br /> was taken up and further di scus sed. After discussion, on motion, the proposed <br /> il assessment of $;140.00 for addi tional fill, which was proposed to be assessed <br /> against said property, and which bas bean held over for several years, was remitted, <br /> although the matter of the petition'for a rebat,e of interesti as applied for by <br /> :1 Mr. Murray was denied. <br /> , <br /> Aerial permits were issued, as per tre applications, to Hiram Hardi.!lfl" <br /> at 1915 Alder Street, and to C. I. Wintermeier at 1893 Alder Street. <br /> , , ' <br /> On motion, Rooming-house permits were grant~d to Roy F. Stevens to <br /> operate tre Bonnett Apartments at 83 West Broadway, and'E. A. Cole to operate the <br /> , ' <br /> Yates Hotel at, the East end of 7th Avenue East. <br /> i A peti tion was rece ived f'rom Robel~t A. Prescot t asking for the install- 'I <br /> I' <br /> <~!1 ation of fire hydrants in Sunset Terraces. ,Said petition was referred to the Fire <br /> II <br /> I' & Water Committee. <br /> :1 <br /> 'I <br /> Ii A petition was received asking that a Street light, be installed at the <br /> il South end of S.Ylvan Street in Kincai d Park Addition. Said matter was referDed <br /> ii to the Fire ~ Water Committee. <br /> II <br /> r <br /> Ii <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> ~I! <br /> " <br />