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<br />18~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />A petition tor the paving of 2nd Avenue from Blair Boulevard to the City <br />.limits was' refel~red to the Street Committee. <br /> <br />A remons trance agains t the impro vemen t 01' Columbia Street be tween Indiana <br />and. Reed Avenues was read, and Mr. Wilson, one ot' the remonstrators, addressed <br />the Council at'ter which the remonstrance was ref'erred to the Street Committee. <br /> <br />0':: <br /> <br />.'Q:) <br />As per the call, bids were received for the construction of' a wooden bridge ::,~ <br />on Lincoln 5 tl"ee t, across the Arna:on Slough, as follows: . "'if <br /> <br />F. E. & J. A. Br is tow <br />Ge o. W. Perlcins <br />Haynes Bros. <br />Hargreaves & Lindsay <br /> <br />$Z2~9.00 <br />2519.50 <br />2749.00 <br />2590.00 <br /> <br />Said bids were referred to the Street Committee for report, and such <br />cO";lmittee recommended the bid of F. E. & J. A. Bristow at $22:09.00 be accpeted, <br />and. on motion, such recommendation was unanimously adopted, and the Mayor and <br />Rt:lcorder directed ,to enter into a contract wi th such successful bidder., <br /> <br />As per the call, bids were received for the construction ot' a wooden bridge <br />on washington Street, acr'oss the Amazon Slough,as l'ollow;s: <br /> <br />F. E. & J. A. Bristow <br />Geo.' w. Perlcins <br />Haynes Bros. <br />Hargreaves & Lindsay <br /> <br />$2159.00 <br />2444.00 <br />2645.00 <br />2495.00 <br /> <br />Said bids were ~eferred to the Street Committee for report, and such <br />committee recommended the bid of F. E. & J.A. Bristow at ;fji215'9.00 be accepted, and <br />on motion, such recommendation was unanimously a(lopted, and the Mayor and Recorder <br />directed to enter into a contract with such success1"ul bidder. ' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />An Ordinance requiring persons coming in c.ontac,t:.with or h311dling l'ood to <br />secure a permit from t he Health Ot'1"icer 01" the City 01' Eugene, was read, and a <br />communication from the Eugene Fedaration or Womens Organizations was presented, <br />and Mrs. Ross Addressefi tl~ Council, after which the Ordinance was referred to the <br />Health Committee to take up the question of compensation to examing physician.' <br /> <br />Fourteen sidewalk assessment ordinances vI/ere read the first time and laid <br /> <br />over. <br /> <br />, " <br /> <br />Two sidewalk improvement ordinances were read the f'irst time, and passed <br />the ir sec ond and third readings by title by unanimous consent under suspens ion of <br />the rule, and wel'e placed on their final passage., 1'he aye,s and nays were called, <br />allpresent voting eye, nay, none. The Ordinances were declared passed and numbered <br />7'D37 and 7'{);;8. <br /> <br />An Ordinance granting to J. M. Murra.v, and the Southern Paci1"ic Co., the <br />franchise or right to construct railway tracks and to operate cars thereon and to <br />transport, express and l'l'eight thereon along 5th Avenues, having been read the <br />first time on Ft:lbruary ~5, 19~9, and notices published for three successive and <br />consecutive weeks setting the date 01" hearing 01" said franchise 1'01' April 8,1929, <br />now coming on for fUrther action, the ordinance was read the second time, and <br />passed its third reading by title by unanimous consent under suspension 01" the <br />rule and was placed on its 1"inal passage. The ayes and nays were called, all <br />present voting aye, nay" :.hone;,~ :Jillhe Ordinanc e was decla re d pa ssed an d numbere d <br />7'D'D9. <br /> <br />Chairman Large of the Finance Committee p.resented to the Council the <br />request of the City Treasurer that he be provided with a new calculating machine. <br />The matter was lel't in the hands of the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. C. J. Pembrooke called the attention 01' the, Council to the claim 01' <br />the Ci ty 01' an old lien on account of a sewer connection on Van Buren Street, <br />which was b'Upposed to have been adjusted several years ago, fhe mat tel' was referred <br />to the City Recorder for investigation and report. <br /> <br />Chairman I.l.endershott of the l!'ire & Water Committee repol'ted that on further <br />investigation it had seemed advisable to construe t the l'ence at the Aviation E'ie Id <br />with wood instead of wire, on account 01' its higher visiblity which would be an <br />advan~age to pl~1es landing on the Field as well as to enable us to use a home <br />product, and on motion, it was ordered that the Fire & Water Committee be author- <br />ized to install the wooden fence. <br /> <br />The question 01' possible changes inthe ordinance regardling the erection of <br />signs on the business Streets 01' the liity was re1'erred. to the City l!;ngineer and <br />Building Inspector. <br /> <br />Chairman Lamb 01' the ::)treet Commit tee recommended that the Street Department. <br />procure the necessary msterials for painting the City bridges, and on motion, the <br />recommendati on was adopted. <br /> <br />~ <br />