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<br />The following resolution was passed authorizing the sale to Fred E. Lindsay
<br />the North one foot of the South one half of the East Eighty feet of Lot Four in
<br />Bloc~ Four of Ellsworth's Addition for $6.18:
<br />
<br />1- n . RES 0 L U T -ION 0 '~,
<br />
<br />.' ' WHEREAS: by foreclosure proceedings on the assessment for the paving of ~ i~
<br />v",
<br />~ the alley between High Street and Mill Street from 11th to 13th Avenues the City .~, u
<br />"i\...
<br />, became the purchaser of the North one foot of the South one half of the East 'l., ,(
<br />
<br />, Eigl1ty (80) feet of Lot Four (4) in Block Four (4) of Ellsworth's Addition to >~
<br />"
<br />
<br />t.he City of Eugene, for the sum of $4.11 and afterwards acquired title to the
<br />same by treasurer's deed, recorded in Book 166, page 402, of Deed Records of Lane
<br />(e' Coun ty, Oregon,
<br />And WHEREAS', Fred E. Lindsay is the owner of the lot or tract"
<br />iately South thereto, and he now agrees to pay to the City the sum of $4.11 to- ~.,
<br />gethe-r with penalty and interest, amounting' to 87~, and costs Oaf recording deed ",
<br />$1.20, making a total of $6.18. ~~
<br />: 0 NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the, City sell said 1 foot of property
<br />to said Fred E. Lindsa.)l, and tha t the Mayor and Recorder be and are hereby author-
<br />ized to execute and deliver a deed to him upon the payment' of said $6.18.
<br />Passed by the Common Council this 11th day of August,
<br />1930.
<br />1',,-
<br />, R. S. Bry~on,
<br />
<br />. , City Recorder. "
<br />
<br />The Recorder presented a report covering the first six months of the year
<br />which was on motion adopted.
<br />
<br />The annual repor t of the IDugene Water Board for the year 1929 was ordered
<br />place d on fi],e.
<br /><
<br />
<br />An Ordinance levying assessments for grading and graveling 24th Ave. was
<br />read the second time, and objections called for, and the written objection of
<br />Rose A. Privatsky was read and, c.onsidered, ana. a motion was maCle that the councfl
<br />finds that the objection is not well founded 'and that the same be overruled and
<br />rejected. The 'inotion was seconded and carried. The ordinance was read the third
<br />time and placed orf i ts final passage. The ay'e s and nay s w'are calle d, all pre sent
<br />.' voting aye, nay, none, absent Monroe. ---The Ordinance was declared passed and
<br />. , numbered 7846.
<br />
<br />An Ordinance levying assessments for the paving of "the alley between Oak
<br />and Pearl Streets from Tenth to Eleventh Avenues, and the alley between Tenth and
<br />Eleventh Avenues from Oak to Pearl Street, in the City of Eugene, was read the
<br />second time and this' being the time for hearing of objections, objections were
<br />calle'd for and none heard, and on motion the 'ordinance was read the third time
<br />under suspension of th~ rule and was placed on its final passage. The ayes and
<br />nays were called, all present voting- aye, nay, none, absent Monroe. The Ordin8li.llce
<br />was declared passed and numbered 7847. '
<br />r < '
<br />.,
<br />I Twenty-seven Sidewalk Improvement Ordinances were read the first time, and
<br />l passed their second and third readings by title by unanimous consent under sus-
<br />pens ion of the .rule, and was placed 'on the irfinal :pas sage. The aye s and nays
<br />were called, all Councilmen voting aye, nay, none, absent Monroe: The Ordinances
<br />were declared passed and numbered from 7848 to 7874, both numbers inclusive.
<br />
<br />1\ Thirteen Sidewalk Assessment Ordinance~ were read tpe first time and laid
<br />, over.
<br />
<br />The finance Committee reported the following bills for payment and recom-
<br />mended that they be paid. The ayes and nays were called, all councilmen voting
<br />aye, nay, none, absent Monroe: '
<br />
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<br />~1.,1 ~.
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