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<br />""'174 <br /> <br />~ , T_': -, --, _ <br /> <br />""~ <br /> <br />Lee Loehr' <br />Jack A. Hayes <br />Elmer Smith <br />G. C. Ball <br />H. P. Dixon <br />C. F. 13erg,nan <br />E liller Ge i {Se l' <br />D. E. Cash <br />Clai1" La1"scn <br />Henry Gallagher <br />C. A. ~,IahallY <br />Hugh Keeney <br />!Royal :3. W,Llcox <br />Clarence D. Quinn <br />Harold ~kirworth <br />'vim. LJ. Haviland <br />Jerry Hoyt <br />{,Irs. Zlla Richardson <br />C. A. LeVan <br />Claude J aclcs on <br />:Iill Jones <br />Vlinfred I.Iullins <br />George Sond <br />Everett Alford <br />Aaron Campbell <br />J. L. Good - <br />Kenne th Cartel" <br />:Neal Bond. <br />John Alford <br />R. C. Pmvell <br />Char le s Sulli van <br />Sai{~ LIo sher <br />Dr. R. C. Romig <br />D. C. BO,yd <br />Chester H. Lmvrence <br />}!'. L. Armitage <br />T. C. Devaney <br /> <br />'-tJ <br />dAJ <br />, .... <br /> <br />Fireman <br />F'ireman <br />J!" ire man <br />li"ireman <br />Fireman <br />Chief of POlice <br />Captain <br />Patrolman <br />I'atrolman <br />Pa tl"olman <br />Patrolman <br />Pa tro l[,lan <br />Patrolman <br />Patrolman <br />1'a trolman <br />r:eraffic Officer <br />Traffic Officer <br />Police }\,1a tron <br />Street Commissioner <br />1:.1echanic <br />Street Worker <br />Street norker <br />Stl"ee t Harker <br />Street :.1orker <br />Street Worker <br />Stx'eet Worker <br />S tre e t \! orlce r <br />Street Horker <br />Sewer Tender <br />Asst. Sewer Tender <br />Park Tender <br />Building Inspector <br />Health Officer <br />Janitor <br />HiDe Inspec tor <br />Employment Agent <br />Aviation Tender <br /> <br />9 81.00 <br />81.,00 <br />81. 00 <br />81.00 <br />81.00 <br />129 . 60 <br />109.35 <br />101.25 <br />101.25 <br />101.25 <br /> <br />101.25 <br /> <br />101.25 <br />101.25 <br />101.25 <br />101.25 <br />123.'75 <br />123 . '75 <br />109.35 <br />129.60 <br />109.35 <br />81.00 <br />81.00 <br />81.00 <br />81.00 <br />81.00 <br />81.00 <br />81.i)(', <br />81.00 <br />S3.15 <br />81. 00 <br />90.00 <br />126.00 <br />45.00 <br />81.00 <br />15'7.50 <br />45.00 <br />22.50 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Inc. Ca <br />Inc. C a <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Inc. Ca <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />Ii <br />I <br />I <br />~ <br />I, <br />Ii <br />1 <br /> <br />I ~he reports of the Chief of the Fire Department for the basement inspection, <br />II and for six Uloy.lths re')ort of the general Fire De.oartmellt, a:::.d 1;11e :3uildin{'; <br />'I.' (-LnSDector's report for December, and the l'er\Ort of t:i1e :t?olice De!)artment for <br />I December, t03ether with .the Police DeJ)artme~lt 's annual l'egol"t for the year 1932, <br />I and the a:111'\).3.1 re ort of' the Oi ty 303.1'0. of Heal th, anel the report of 1:. C. Harris a <br />I a member of the Oity 30ard of Health 011 the sL~bject of consolidation of City Ltilk <br />and Fcod Inspection, wex'e all read a:ld placed on file. <br /> <br />CO~-1ncilman LaiJb moved that tIle sala1"y of C. A. LeVan, ;Street COrJunissioner, <br />be raised to ,~129.60 per month. The motion was seco~ded and carried. Whereupon <br />a mot ion vms ~ade by CO'llllCilm3.n Hendershott that all the fore'going apDointment s <br />be fonf i rmed b~T the C ounci 1, and the sai c1 a.Dpoin tee s, and l"egular officers be <br />placed on the payroll of' the Oi ty at the Sal3.1'ie s designated, and the Recorder be <br />instructed to clrmv wtB:rrants mon~hl.;T on the i'irst of each mcnth in Daymeilt of such <br />service. 'J:he motion was secGl1deEl., and the 3.Jes and nays Vlere calleo" Councilmen <br />votinG ayes 7, nays, nene, absent Jones. <br /> <br />On motion it lvas ordered that the Hecorder draw 0:1 the RevolvLlg li'und to pa~r <br />salaries to J'anual'Y 9, 19J3 :,nclusive, of the retirLl:-': l'ar:;c '-,-'ender, C. D. Farmer, <br />and 3uildlllg =ns'Jector, H. E. l/filder. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />'1:he bOlld oi' lehe Ci ty Recorder execu ted :)y the EO.lTal Inde!~lni ty Crmpany of New <br />York was pres8ilted, and a motion accepted aild ordered filed. <br /> <br />A :)ill from HaymOLld Uarlatte against 'If. .L:. \Jlntler of 1483 rearl Street, in <br />the sum of 94.00 for clearin~; serifer, Has l)l~esented by IIr. l,'lintler, who claimed that <br />tlle Ci ty should Day this bill, as t:le selver sto'~page was ill the Ci ty sewer and not <br />the _,:,rivate connection to his home, and that the city shOUld have been advised as t <br />thi s condi tion and had they taJcen care of the main sewer he 'Jo1:1d not been forced t <br />incur this exp~nse. Bill ~as referred to the ~ewer Committee. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />\ <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />I cu v Health Officer. ')1'. Romig. and SaL! <br />1,1 and Charles Sullivan, a"i)ointed 1'ar~c cl'el.l:der, <br />their aopointment te City Offices. <br /> <br />Coul1cilma~l Lamb sur;e;ested the need of findinr: employment for. traLlsients 'J'ifho <br />are bein,"~ fed at the 'Decker Lotel. <br /> <br />Council:nan Simon suggested tha~ SOLTIe ne','1 ~CLllilittee shol~_ld be created offerine <br />mOl'e 0 pportuni ty :"01'" acti on than that afforded :)y the Printiu,c: COlTlmi J tee, \'lhich was <br />practically a dead cOinmittee Gl.ppolntiilent. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />IJosller, <br />dade a <br /> <br />A~,poL.Lted ~3uildil1g Ins'!ector, <br />~'e\~f remarks in a:)jJreciation of <br /> <br />Councilmen. Bond a~ld Lamb sUE;gested that the City I.~ech~.nic disccJ,ltinue the <br />greasing and rep3.L\~ijlf~ of all Dx'iITate cars ~ne;ae;ed in City serITice, limiting the <br /> <br />service to the :f,t.lrnishLlg of gas and oil, an'l 011 motion dul \{ <br />-~ seco~ded and carried <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />.. <br />