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<br />l.~ <br /> <br />~ <br />241 <br /> <br />---~. . -- -- <br /> <br />-- ------~~-.....-.......,. -- _._-~- <br />- . - - ----~ - ---- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />that the Recorder be instructed to remit ~lO.OO in payment of dues for 1933. <br />lIotion was seconded and ayes and nays called, Councilmen voting aye 8, nay none, <br />absent none. <br /> <br />h,-~!"> ~\ <br />,-,~,. <br />~, <br /> <br />A J)etition for a street light, on Alder :3treet between .Broadway and East 11th <br />Avenue was read and referred to the .F'ii"e and ':later Committee. <br /> <br />,..... <br /> <br />I' <br /> <br />1..... communication fl'om C. A. 'iJintermeier relating to reassessments of the <br />improvement on Lot 7, Block 8, Hollenbeck1s Addition was read and on motion referre <br />to the City Attorney, JUdicial'y Cornmittee, and City- Engineer. <br /> <br />(. <br /> <br />fir. J. A. Roach submitted an offer to pay the balance of unpaid principal, <br />amounting to 98.26, on account of sidewalk assessments against the ~est 80 feet <br />of Lot 8, ~lock 9, Hendrick1s Addition on condition that the interest should be <br />omitted. It appeared that ~.1r. Roach had received a receipt in full from the City <br />I'reasurer on October 28, 1927 for this account. LIotion was made, seconded and <br />carried that the '['l'easurer be instructed to accept the tender of ~~8.26 and receipt <br />Mr. Roach in full. <br /> <br />The reQuest of the Hater Board that the City sign, as ;jroperty owner, a <br />Range ~iring installation agreement for Mr. Sullivan, occupant of the City Park <br />Tender1s cottafse, brought up the Question as to whether the City should pay the <br />cost of liGht and fuel service for LIr. SuLlivan; and Ur. Hendershott moved that <br />1.11'. Sullivan be reQuired to pay for his OIlV11 bills for electric lif;ht and range <br />purposes. Alotion was seconded and carried that the Recorder sign the installation <br />agreement for the '.fa tel' Board. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />A general disaussion of the plan for the extension of the Aviation Field was <br />had, after which Councilman Lamb moved that it is the sense of the Council that <br />the City should endeavor to carry out the proposed cooperative plan for aCQuire- <br />mentoI' addi tional propel'ty and improvement of the Aviation Field wi th the aid of <br />GoverniJ.lent C.'\il.A. funds, and that a committee consisting of the Finance Committee, <br />City Attorney, and Recorder be given the power to ace in arranging all details and <br />negotialJion fOl' this purpose, and that the Council authorize, the purchase of the <br />tract known as the Wilkin's Tract, at a price not to exceed ~2,100.00, provided <br />tha t ai"x'angement s can be made to c 10 se the Lane County road be tween the pre sent <br />fie Id and the \hlkins' Tract; and that the COffilni ttee also be authorized to secure <br />an option on the \Hlkins' Tract pendinG the termination of this action. l\Iotion <br />was seconded and carried. <br /> <br />13i ds i'or ~udit ing the Ci t y account s wel'e opened and l:,ead as fo~l ows: <br />Percy VI. 3rovvn ";200.00, Orville A. Lesley ;)200.00, and C. A. Horton $197.50. Hi"'. <br />Brovm also made a proposal bid that he wmlld do the auditing of the 1933 accounts <br />for \~180.00 providing he would be Given the audit for 1934 on a monthly basis at <br />$20.00 per month. Illotion was made seconded and carl"'ied that auditing the 1933 <br />accounts be awarded to C. A. Horton fOT 0197.50. <br /> <br />The City Attorney presented a contract for lea~e to the Eugene Water Board, <br />and also a contract for heating the City Hall, and on motion it was ordered that <br />these be referred to the City Attorne~T and Judiciary COffilni ttee for any minor change <br />that might be reQuired, and when satisfactory to the Water Board and said committee <br />that the Uayor and Recorder be and are hereby authorized to sign the same for the <br />Ci t y. <br /> <br />e: <br /> <br />Councilman Bond moved that the City adopt the ordinance providing for fire <br />protection to property within a radius of two miles of the city limit~. The motion <br />was sec onded and on vo te was los t. Councilmen va tiue aye: Reid, Bond and Edwal'ds. <br />Nay: Lamb, Hendershott, Simon, Zumwalt and Harris. <br /> <br />1.Irs. Emma 'ralbot complained of the sevver service at 2434 Columbia Street, <br />and the matter was referred to the Sewer Committee. <br /> <br />Uayor Large stat ed that t he office occupied by JJr. Cl'owe and hi s as si stant s <br />in administering the local C.W.A. affairs was costing at the present time about <br />Q40.00 per month, which would probably be increased to $60.00 in the neal' future, <br />and presented Ur. Crowe1s sw;gestion that the City should contribute $20.00 per <br />month on this expense. No action was taken. <br /> <br />.-?, <br /> <br />The following appointments of Committees, 3oaras, COffilnissions, and Examiners, <br />were made by Hayor Large: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />COUIWIL COLTIHTTEES <br /> <br />JUDICIARY <br /> <br />HEALTH <br /> <br />E(lward s <br />Reid' <br />Simon <br /> <br />Z11mvral t <br />Edwards <br />Harris <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~,.. <br /> <br />~ <br />