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<br />~416 <br /> . <br /> --- -. -- ---- ~~- -_. .- - - --- __ _ ___ ~ _ ____ _~~_ LL_. "----- -_. --, -- ----- " ---- -~_._- ---... _..~--_.~_. <br /> ----- ---- -~".~.._-- ~ -- ,------ <br />- .-- ---.-.-,. .. ._- --- --. ~ .- -- - -~< <br /> An Ordinance amending Section 9 of Ordinance No. 8425 of the City of <br /> Eugene, entitled "An Ordinance to license, tax and regulate certain games and <br />, . mechanical.devices used therein; and declaring an emergency.", passed by the I <br />' , Common Council May 29; 1935, and approved by the Mayor June 4, 1935, by providing <br />.-roo-> <br /> that prizes shall be awarded only in merchandise or merchandise orders, which <br />~ shall not include any counter, hickey, disc or device which can again be played <br />~ in any pin and ball machine or other slot machine, was read the second time and <br />.; II passed its third reading by title under suspension of the rule by the unanimous <br /> vote of the Council and was placed upon its final passage. The ayes and nays were <br /> called, Councilmen voting aye, Lamb, Simon, Bond and Harris. Nay, Hendershott, <br /> Reid, Zumwalt and Carlson. The vote being a tye, the Mayor voted nay, and the <br /> ordinance was not passed. <br /> An Ordinance granting to the Northwest Cities Gas Company, its successors <br /> and assigns, a franchise for the construction and operation of a gas manufacturing <br /> pland and/or a gas distribution system in the City of Eugene for a term of thirty <br /> years was read the third time, and Councilman Hendershott moved that the time be <br /> I cut down from 30 years to 15 years and that the franchise tax be left at 1/4 of 1%. <br /> I Councilman Carlson seconded the motion, and the Ordinance was placed upon its . <br /> final passage including said amendments. The ayes and nays were called, Council- <br /> I men voting aye 8, nay none, absent none. The Ordinance was declared passed and <br /> II <br /> II numbered S448. <br /> ,I Three W.P.A. projects were presented to the Council for their approval as <br /> r follows: <br /> 1 1. Tree pruning in the City of Eugene. <br /> II 2. To provide labor for improvement of Skinner Butte Park and <br /> Hendricks Park. <br /> I 3. Tearing down and cleaning up the remains of the maintenance <br /> I <br /> I shop, which was destroyed by fire. <br /> I <br /> ;1 Upon motion, duly seconded and carried these projects were approved, <br /> Ii by the Council. <br /> I Councilman Zumwalt asked for permission to get rid of three elk in the <br /> I I <br /> I park. Motion was made, seconded and carried to sell the three. <br /> II <br /> I The Recorder was instructed to see Mr. McArthur, Superintendent of the <br /> I <br /> I Water Board and set a date for a joint meeting of the Eugene Water Board and the <br /> I City Council to consider the rent situation and other problems. <br /> On motion the Council adjourned to meet on November 25, 1935, at 7:30 <br /> I <br /> II o'clock P.M. <br /> \ <br /> C. M. Bryan, <br /> I <br /> ! City Recorder. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> ,. <br /> , <br /> I <br /> II <br /> I, <br /> I' <br /> ~ <br /> I I- <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I, <br /> ii <br /> II <br /> ~ . <br />....1 <br />