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<br /> ~424 <br /> . <br /> - .---- -- .- __.. ..__T _ ~ -- . -- ---- - <br /> ------_.~- ~-- ------------- ---" ..--- - --~~~-- ----~- ~- -- . _L_ _ <br /> ---- --- - -- . ~ -, -- ~- - . - - - --- - - <br /> Park Board he felt that the Council should refer this to the Board for their <br /> decision, and it was so ordered. <br /> A"communication from Fred N. Miller, offering the City $50.00 for gravel if I <br /> !of'_:" the City would furnish the labor and equipment to grade and gravel the road in <br /> t:';" Hendricks Park, was read and after considerable discussion lead by Councilman Lamb, <br /> 4. it was ~oved that his offer be rejected, and the Recorder instructed to notify <br /> him of, the same. Motion was seconded and carried. This road to be improved is <br /> outsid~ the city limits. <br /> Communication from the Western Box Co. c0ncerning the bill mailed to them <br /> for a fire hydrant was presented and the Fire and Water Committee. <br /> Communication from the Library Board, signed by E. O. Potter, President, <br /> 1 asking the Council to pave or improve the curb around the library property, was <br /> I <br /> presented and tabled. <br /> A bill in the amount of $134.72 for general repairs to the Library was presen <br /> ted, and motion was made, seconded and carried to allow $114.28 on this bill, whic . <br /> is the balance left in their budget for repairs. <br /> II Communication from H. G. Openshaw concerning a piece of property near his at <br /> II 2644 Columbia, i'ras presented, and the Recorder requested to get more specific <br /> II information. <br /> I <br /> Reports for the month of November from the Police Department, Fire Department, <br /> Building Inspector, and Public Library were read and ordered tiled. <br /> I ,Councilman Reid was excused from Council at this time. <br /> The following sealed bids for the audit of the 1935 accounts were opened and <br /> read~ , <br /> I C. A. Horton $347.50 <br /> I P. W. Brown 425.00 <br /> I <br /> II Hanks, McGee & Boden-(CPA) 428.50 <br /> II <br /> II ~.Iot ion was made by Counc ilman Harri s to accept C. A. Horton's bid of $347.50. The I <br /> I motion was seconded and the ayes and nays VIere called, Councilmen voting aye 7, <br /> I nay none, absent Reid. <br /> I <br /> At this time Councilman Reid returned to Council. <br /> An Ordinance licensing, taxing and regulating theatres, vaudeviles, moving <br /> picture shows and other shows and entertainments and exhibitions within the City <br /> of -Eugene, was read the first time and laid over. <br /> An Ordinance providing for the submission at the special election heretofore <br /> called by the Council to be held on the 31st day of January, 1936 for the sub- <br /> mission of the civil service system for fire fighters to the electors of the city <br /> for their approval or re.jection of two addi tional charter amendment measures, was <br /> read the first time and passed its second and third readings by title under sus- <br /> pension of the rule by the unanimous consent of the Council, and was placed upon <br /> its final passage. The ayes and nays were called, Councilmen voting aye 8, nay <br /> none, absent none. The Ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8456. . <br /> Councilman Hendershott moved that Ordinance No. 2876 be amended taking the <br /> I control of the Airport from the Park Board and placing it in the hands of the <br /> 11 Counci l. An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 287&, and returning the juris- <br /> diction, management and control of the aviation field or park to the Common <br /> Council of the City of Eugene, was read the first time and laid over. <br /> Councilman Bond. reported that electric heaters for the fire trucks would <br /> cost between $25.00 and $30.00, but that there was no money in the Fire Dept. <br /> budget. <br /> Councilman Hendershott asked the question, why the Policeman were not <br /> included in the Civil Service as well as the Firemen, and it was explained that <br /> ,the Firemen Civil Service was by State Statute. After considerable discussion <br /> it was finally decided that they would wait and see what the experience proved I <br /> on the Firemenr and it was- further pointed out that all departments of the City <br /> should have Civil Service if any department had it. <br /> On motion the Council adjourned to meet at 7=~0 o'clock P. M. of December <br /> 23, 1935. <br /> C. M. Bryan, <br /> City Recorder. <br /> . <br /> ..... ,; <br />