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<br /> ~ <br /> 224 <br /> ~ - ~. -, <br /> ~ <br /> ---- - <br /> Eugene Wull & Elevator Company 10.76 R. A. Babb Hdrwr. Co. 39.21 <br /> Williams Baking Company 2.60 A._E. Hulegaard, Teeasure~ 559019 <br /> E. A. Johns 11.70 Cleo Flint 81.45 <br /> t.,; Eugene Water Board 12 .00 Eugene Hospital &,Clinic 1.75 <br /> X,; E. D. Furrer, M.D. , 45.00 Koke-Chapman Co. 22.45 I <br /> ~ Eugene Water Board 2,020.89 General Pete. Co. 135.15 <br /> <-, <br /> State Industrial Accident Commission 154.43 Carlson,Hatton & Hay, Inc. 71.06 <br /> ]~rsh H. Good.rin 139.15 . Eugene Water Board 18.98 <br /> University Florist 3.00 Eugene Laundry & Cleaners 9.67- <br /> EUgen~ Public Library 903.33 Clark Battery&Electrfuc Co. 26.13 <br /> Sparkey's Garbage Service 2.00 Cressey's Book Store 52.44 <br /> Valley Metal Company 1.50 Eugene Hard.vare Co. 4.80 <br /> Eugene Water Board 13 .61 Hendershott's Gun stQre 3.10 <br /> Chase Plumbing Company 1.00 Scobert Blgg. Material Co. 12.50 I <br /> ~Ayor Elisha Large 50.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. e 16.35 <br /> Councilman Carlson in behalf of the Street Committe~ stated that it would be impossible <br /> for the Street Department to purchase from their funQ. s the recommended traffic signs for traffic <br /> /i regulations. It was agreed that the authorization for the purchase of these signs will be made at <br /> 16 the next meeting of the Common Coun~il. <br /> Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Sewer Committee, reported that, .rith the council's <br /> V approval, his committee would present the description of the contemplated purchase, of property . <br /> 17 for sevmge disposal purposes at the next council meeting, August 28. , , <br /> A circular letter from the IVPA Nursery School, ( a school for children from low income <br /> families,) asking for assistance in the care and training of unfortunate children.was presented. <br /> -""' to the council. It was agreed that no definite acti on would be taken at the present time and e <br /> 18 the letter was ordered placed on file. - <br /> A letter was presented from S. M. Mosher, Building Inspector, to C, M.Bryan, Recorder <br /> stating that the Eugene Plumbing and Heating Company while digging up the parking in front:m of <br /> 1944 Kincaid street to make a sewer connection had accidentally severed two principal roots of <br /> j an English Walnut tree, with the possibilty of having permanently dronaged the tree. The Building <br /> 19 Inspector requested that the letter be flIed for futur~reference and it v~s so ordered. <br /> Communication was presented qy the Board of Appeals presenting the request of Horac~ I <br /> Burnett, representing the Trustees of the Presbyterian Church askinO' for a special permit to be <br /> allOlled to reshingle a portion of the church with cedar shingles. ~t was the recommendation of <br /> j the Board of Appeals that this requeat be granted and upon motion made and seconded the recommendat' on <br /> 20 was, unanimously approved. <br /> e <br /> Communication was also presented by the Board, of Appeals in behalf of LeRoy D. Peterson <br /> asking for a permit to convert the old residence building at 1992 Po~ter Street into an apartment <br /> 2lJ house. It was the recommendation of the Board of Appeals that this request be denied and upon <br /> motion made and seconded the recommendation was unanimously appro ved. <br /> Furtger communication was, presented by the Boord of Appeals in behalf of Hart Larsen <br /> requesting permission to continue the us e of the sign at his place of business which was hung _ <br /> ), and,doew not conform to the permit issued. - As the Boor.d of Appeals examined the application <br /> the. sign and the location, it recommended that the sign be removed and upon moti on made and <br /> 23 seconded the recommendation of the Board of Appeals was, unanimously approved. <br /> Further communication was presented by the Boord of appeals in behalf of Richard Foote, <br /> asking for a special permit to erect two small duplex residences on the lot at the southwest <br /> corner of the intersection of Columbia Street and Fifteenth Avenue. The Board recommended that <br /> ~ this request be denied and upon motion made and seconded the recommendation of the Board of Appea&s <br /> 22 was unanimously approved. <br /> 0 <br /> Communication was presented from the Active CJub of the City of Eugene in i'hich they <br /> requested the opinion of the Council as to :1JImether or not they could obtain a location for a Boy I <br /> 241 Scout Cabin in the Spencer Butte Park. The matter was ,referred to the Printin& & Parks Committee <br /> I for study with a request that they report a t the next counci 1 meeting. <br /> " <br /> COJJl.'llunication was presented to the council from the Associated Flyers of Eugene Airport, <br /> in which the organization thanked the Council members, _city Engineer Clubb, Chief Bergman and <br /> 25Uf Chief Nusbaum for the fine assistance in the recent Oregon Air Tour held in the City of Eugene. <br /> The communication was ordered placed on file. <br /> Communication was presented from V. H. Todd, <Sr., in behalf 0 f the ~VPA of Oregon, in I <br /> answer to the recent request for renewal of sidewalks heaved by trees, stating that there is <br /> considerable work involved in removing the old walk, c\,\tting the roots, and laying anew sla b, <br /> but that they could furnish the labor, tools and equipment except the truck to haul away the debris <br /> 26 No definite action was taken at this t1iri1e. and the lette.r was ordered placed on file. <br /> - The following department reports were presented and ordered placed _on file: Firev' <br /> Deparment for July, 1939, Police ~~tron~ July 1939 report, CiiY Engineer's Office for July, 1939 <br /> 27 and- the Police Depa!!tmeni for the month of Jl'ly, 1939., <br /> A petition was presented requesting a street -light to be placed at the intersection <br /> .!J of Emerald and Inavale Streets. The rratter was referred to the Fire & Water Conmittee for <br /> 28 II in~estigation and further report. <br /> 1\ <br /> ~ Ii <br />