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<br />Ii the light and water bills for the Sout~ern P8cific Company a~ the depot, on what
<br />,; is known as the East and West Pbrks. He reported that the blll for July had been
<br />1 11$27.~9, .for A';1gus~, $24.78, and for Sept,ember, $13.~3: He saidthe City ahd been".~"
<br />I!; furnlshlng thlS llght and water to the Southern Paclflc Company for a good many ,~
<br />i years and that he thought the service should be discontinued, and tha t he would -J
<br />I.' like to hear from othe r members of the Council regarding these bills. Councilman
<br />Hawn asked if originally there had been any agreement with the Southern Pacific
<br />2iCompany that the City of Eugene would furnish water and light indefinitely. It
<br />Iwas pointed out that the arrangement was probably made about the time that sub-
<br />'1'1, scriptions around town were made for the in:::,tallation of a fountain at the depot,
<br />'I but that the fountain had been torn out a good many years ago. A motion was made
<br />Jby Farrington that this service be discontinued as of October 31st. This motion
<br />Ii was seconded by Councilman Bond and on vote was carried, Councilman Hawn voting
<br />!i nol rrhe Hecorder was instructed to notify the Southern Pacific Company by letter
<br />~Of this council action.
<br />'I
<br />Ii Councilman Barette, reporting for the Street Department, stated tha t Mr. Jones,
<br />,iwho had been with the Street Department for 17 or 18 years, had quit. He stated,
<br />fl that Mr. Jones was one of the better men in the department and that he was sorry
<br />:i to have him leave the department. He stated that he thought that in the recent
<br />Ii raise in salaries Mr. Jones was to have received a raise of $5.00 per month whereas
<br />3 ~he got a raise of $1.67 to equalize his wages with the $126.67 men in the Street
<br />:~epartment. He stated that Mr. Jones had called him on the phone and that he had
<br />[:told him that if he would stay on he would see what could be done in the way of
<br />ligetting him the straight $5.00 raise. He stated that he did not like to see Mr.
<br />t; Jones leave, but that the City had given him no enc ouragernent to stay.
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<br />l! The Fire and Water Committee had no report.
<br />
<br />II Councilman Hawn, reporting for the Pt':!rks, stated that they were running on
<br />I: one cylinder; that the assistant, NIl'. Junne, had left the department for a more
<br />4 II profitable job. He said he i18d instructed Mr. Lamb to take care of things as
<br />hbest he could for the winter months and in the spring they would endeavor to get
<br />il another man.
<br />il
<br />II
<br />1- f,: 'rhere was no report from the Health Committee, Councilman Brownson being absent
<br />I:
<br />,I
<br />~I; 'rhe Sewer Cornmi ttee and the Police Committee had no report.
<br />I
<br />f
<br />I; Departmental reports for the Police Matron, Engineer, and Police Department
<br />~:fOl' the month of September, were read and ordered placed on file.
<br />b
<br />~ A letter from the Board of Appeals was read at this time.
<br />Ii If The Board of' Appeals has received a request from lVII's. Christine buttrick
<br />r asking permission to place her Carmel Corn wagon on the lot just south of
<br />I the Safeway Store at 1320 Vlillamette Street. From the picture exhibited,
<br />!: it is one of the old fashioned popcorn and peanut wagons. Mrs. But trick
<br />5!l states that she has the consent of the owner of the lot and of the Safeway
<br />1!1 3tore and that she lteeps the vvagon neatly painted. '1'he Board recommends
<br />:i that the request be granted for one year on condition that the wagon
<br />~ be placed far enough back to keep the patrons off of the walk and that
<br />:: proper sanitary facilities be maintained.1!
<br />liThe recommendation of the Board of Appeals was adopted by the Council.
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<br />'.
<br />~ ~
<br />rl The following 'curb cuts were presented: C. C. Keith, 535 East 16th Avenue,
<br />6 I,: and Carl Tobey, 206 West 5th Avenue. Ci ty Engineer Clubb recommended that these
<br />,lcuts be granted, and on motion made, seconded, and carried, the recommendation
<br />101' the City En~inee~ was a~oPted.. . ., _
<br />
<br />l, A letter from Howard ~. IVIerrlam, Coordlnator ot the Lane County Defense
<br />;,1 Council, requesting that E. 'H. Peterson be sent to the University of Washington to
<br />'I attend a Civilian Defense 3chool for the Fire Department, sponsored by the United
<br />liStates Army. He stated that IVIr. Peterson was about the only man available that
<br />pwould be Willing to donate his ti~e for the work and that he was requesting that
<br />iia sum of $50.00 be taken out of the O.C.D. budget to cover Mr. Peterson's expenses.
<br />~Councilman Hawn stated that the Defense Council had been practicing at the office
<br />~in the Fire Department every Wedensday night, and that they had improved conditions
<br />7 I!ma terially. He said some time ago it took one hour to handle 15 calls and dispatch
<br />rjthe workers to the different places, but for the last three weeks they have been
<br />1 'jable to handle 55 calls in an hour, and one time they handled 60 calls. He said
<br />';he was only making this report to show the progress that had been made and he
<br />. ~thoUght it was wise to send Mr. Peterson to this school. A motion was made by
<br />ilCouncilman Hawn ahd seconded by Bond that this request be granted. The mati on was
<br />::carried.
<br />
<br />II A letter from Hobert n. Lemon, dated October 9th, stating that he had just
<br />I!delivered tile 1941 audit, and requesting payment of the unpaid balance of $92.50,
<br />8 I,/was read. Mr. Lemon had furnished eleven copies of the report. A motion was
<br />:~ade by Farrington and seconded by Barette that the audit be accepted and that
<br />fithe balance due Mr. Lemon be paid. '1'he motion was carried.
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<br />I,
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<br />;: '1'he University of Oregon had requested that Kana Ben Cox be deputized as
<br />I'
<br />I ~
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