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<br />; material for the construction of the swimming pool. Robert fisher was present
<br />I and asked if it was not a fact that the Council had objected to the building
<br />1- , of the swimming pool and that they had forced the circulation of petitions in
<br />,; order ~o get the matter on. th~ ballot. Mayor Large explained that.peti~ion~ had ~
<br />I~ been clrculated 1'01' the svnmmlng pool and that they had not been flled In tlme'~
<br />~ to be put on the ballot as desired and that the Council had gone ahead and
<br />i: iniated the ballot proceedings. Councilman Hawn stated at this time that the
<br />~: matter of a swimming pool seemed to be his baby a t the present and that it appeared
<br />i that the tax levy of $25,000 would not be sufficient to construct the kind of
<br />;! a swimming pool Eugene should have and that there would probably have to be
<br />i: additional money raised. He s ta ed that he thought a definite site should be
<br />I; selected and secured and tha t plans and specificat ions should be made to build
<br />i: the pool immediately after the war. 'rhere was no action by the Council and the
<br />:: delegation left the Council Chambers. Mayor Large explained that an effort was
<br />;! being mc.:de to secure a swimming pool location in the fair grounds and that some
<br />~ progress was being made in these negotiations.
<br />~ ~~
<br />I'; An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1558, entitled, "An Ordinance providing
<br />~ for service in the extinguishing of fires outside of the city limits of Eugene",
<br />r was read the first time and passed to its second and third readings by unanimous
<br />~ consent of the council by title under suspension of the rules and was placed
<br />13~ for final passage. The ayes and nays were called and councilmen voting aye: Stewa t
<br />Ii Brownson, Koppe, Barette, Hawn, Bond, Pennington, and Farrington; voting no, none;
<br />~! absent, none. rrhe ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8751.
<br />I'
<br />I,
<br />;\ Councilman Hawn sta' ed that he was to have a meeting with the Park Committee
<br />i: immediately after the" Council meeting to consider hiring a team to plow a certain
<br />14 I! district OIl Skinners Butte to make farther grass seeding .t;>ossible. He stated
<br />'j that the cost of hiring the team would probably be about $12.00 and on motion
<br />;: made, seconded, and carried the Park Board was given permission for this work.
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />~! A letter from H. D. Walker, Attorney at Law, Cheney, Washington~ was read.
<br />i'i This, letter was in regard to the Bone Power Bill now before the Sena te, and Mr.
<br />t Walker requested that the Council pass a resolution asking that a hearing be held
<br />:: in the Northwest either in tIle sta te of Washington or Oregon regarding this
<br />1_ i: proposed bill. The resolution was read at this time.
<br />
<br />"
<br />- I, RES 0 L UTI 0 N
<br />:: WHEREAS there is now pending before-a-joint committee of the United States
<br />t': Senate and House of' Representatives, S.B. 2430 and Fl.R. 6890 creating a Columbia
<br />:: Basin Administration, and
<br />:i WHEREAS sa id measure a s drafted and now cons idered creates a very broad
<br />~ authority with authority and power, and .
<br />'1 WHEREAS the present Bonneville Admiristration is functioning and all persons
<br />:~ are interested in our War effort which of necessity requires that rqany individuals
<br />i: desireous of' being heard on this matter cannot leave their places of business or
<br />~ occupations for the time required for an appearance at Wash~ngton, D.C. nor can
<br />I: they expend the funds necessary for such a trip, and
<br />15 r WHEREAS the measure now, being considered by the joint committee is such that
<br />d if enacted will greatly effect one portion of the country as the same is a regional
<br />;: measure and the committee should give all individuals deSiring audience the
<br />,I
<br />~ opportunity to be heard for or against the same.
<br />r That future hearings OIl the said S.B. 2430 and R.R. 6890 be held in some
<br />~ convenient location in the states of Washington or Oregon or in both states so
<br />J tha~ all persons interested in the measure may be heard, and
<br />1;1: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the
<br />I Hon. John A. Overton, Committee Chairman and to the Senators of the State of
<br />',1
<br />Ij Oregon.
<br />~ Introduced and adopted this 14th day of September, 1942.
<br />~ On motion made, seconded, and carried, the resolution was adopted, adn the Recorder
<br />II was instructed to forward copies of the resolution to Attorney H. D. Walker.
<br />i"
<br />,l
<br />C On motion the meeting adjurned.
<br />
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