<br />~
<br />.33
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<br />-- ---~--- -1'1 -~--~e~~~s-:-fr~~n-J. F. - cramer-,--:uperintenda~~~f the EUg-ene -;~bl~:-~-~~:OlS -th:: - --
<br />
<br />Ralph X. Jeffries, J. D. Hicks, R. T. Higgins, and Howard Milne be deputized as
<br />1 11 watcluuen was read, and on motion made, seconded, and carried, the request was
<br />granted if they were O.K.'d by the Chief of Police. ~~
<br />;\w,!:'~'.
<br />:~
<br />I A letter from Alva S. Turnbow stating that he had joined the Armed Forces of _.
<br />Ithe United States, Signal Corps, and asking that a leave of absence for the duration
<br />Ij of the vvar and for 6 months thereafter, was read. On motion by Bond and sec onded
<br />tby Hawn this request was granted. A letter from Fred W. O'Sullivan, a member of
<br />ll'ithe Fire Department, stating that he had been called for Selective Service in the
<br />IUnited States Army, and asking that a leave of absence be granted for the duration
<br />12 illOf the war and for the length of time it would take to get back on the job after
<br />'11hiS discharge, was read~ A motion made by Stewart and seconded by Farrington that
<br />'thh; request be granted, was carried. A letter from Thomas Vi. Fisher, Playgrounds
<br />!!SUl):r'intend.:~t, asking fOI'. a lea,:,e of' a?Se~lCe for~he duratiol~ of. the wa;: ~Jas
<br />t,!read.. IIlII'. 1"lsher has receJ_ved tns conunlSSlon as l.leutenant (Jg) HI the uruted
<br />:States Navy &n,d 11c1:3 been oI'dered to report October 5. On motion made, seconded,
<br />land carried, the leave of absence waE; o:ranted.
<br />I C
<br />I
<br />1.1 Councilman Hawn stated that on account of 'I'. W. Fisher being called to the
<br />lil\Javy the Playgrounds Commission had had a meeting and had made arrangements with
<br />tthe U. of O. that the University loan NTiss Florence Alden to ttle Eugene Playground
<br />!I;~omrnission for ~.j.le eight rnonth~ perio~. beginning Oct~ 1, 1942 ~U1d endin~ l';',ay 3?, 1943.
<br />!he stated tnht 1VI1SB Alden \l,Quld. be re_Ll8ved 01' all 01' Iler \\'OrK [it tlle UU1verS1 ty
<br />131!except one class, and that the arrangement was that the City of Eugene was to pay
<br />~the University 01' Oregon $1,000.00 for the eight-month period for Miss Alden's
<br />~services. A motion by Hawn and seconded by Barette that the action be confirmed
<br />liwas carried.
<br />!i .
<br />r Councilman Bond stated that owing to a number ,~<:f. new pOlicemen being placed
<br />;:on the force, it seemed necessary that the department shculd have a third sergeant
<br />14 j,in order to properly instruct the new' men, and that he was making a motion tha t
<br />:'l'ed D. Brown be appointed as sergeant. The motion was seconded by Brownson and
<br />!:carried.
<br />Ii
<br />II
<br />S It was stated that Dale Perry, an employee of the School Board at the old
<br />1- , !'airport, had requested the loan of four rubber-tired wheels from the Fire Departmen t.
<br />l,::councilman Stew~iI.t. expleined t~at tl1ese, were [-3o~id rubber tIres that had bee 1'1-
<br />ltaken off an ala, rlg snd were 1n storage, and tnat the request was that the wheels
<br />~e loaned to the School Board for use at the old aircort for mountingz an air,Dlane
<br />b ~ t
<br />I'engine; that the wheels would be returned at any tilLe that the Eire Department
<br />15 l~'equested t.hem. A motion was made by Councilman Stewart that these wheels be
<br />~oaned to the School Board and that they sigh a receipt for the wheels, designating
<br />Ithe probable valuation of the wheels and agreeing to return tl:J,em on demand to the
<br />~ire Department in as good condition as they were received. This motion was
<br />~ecunded by Barette and carried.
<br />I!
<br />!, IViayor Large expJ.c:Jined to t,tle Council that there had been some applica tions
<br />J\received for employment in the JTire Departmaat and I'olice Department for people
<br />:~ivin? just ?uts~de t~e City Limits,. and asked ~\!hat .W[;:W_ ~he wish of ~he C?uncil in
<br />~egard to thlS sltuatlon. It was pOlnted out tnat In tnls way the Clty mlght
<br />;pe able to avail itself' of some help thDt it might not othervdse be able t;J get.
<br />16 ~ motion by Brownson and seconded by Barette that parttes wishing employment in the
<br />W.'ire or Police Department 1. i ving just outside 01' the City Limits ,be ernllloyed, was
<br />:barried. City Attorney Calkins said he wished to explain to the Council that the
<br />;iLimi tation of men Ii ving ou ~"side, the City of E:ugene was a charter amendment and
<br />!?ny time there was an objeetLil1 made to tile City employing .i~len not living inside '
<br />:the City limits, the pI'sctice would have t:) be discontinued.
<br />'I
<br />b
<br />I: Mayor Large asl~ed City :E:ngineer Clubb if a temporary arrangement had been
<br />~n[Jde vvi th the Eugene \'later Board to allow Mr. Larwood to make electrical inspections
<br />tor the City. Mr. Clubb stated that he had talked to Mr. McArthur regarding the
<br />~'7 !~ituation and that he was agr'eeable tu letting Mr. Larwood do the 'v\'oI'k at this time
<br />but hael x-eouested that some other c:rran2'ement be made as soon es convenient for
<br />j! ~ 0 ,
<br />;the city.
<br />i:
<br />~ A written legal opinion by S. ~. Calkins, City Attorney, regarding additional
<br />(pay for certain City emplo.}rees had been- handed the l;1ayo1', the eight Councilmen and
<br />. ~he City Recorder previous to the Council meeting. A copy of this opinion is
<br />, on file in the Hecor-derts Office. At this time the following resolution was read
<br />
<br />1- ~ t,l>Y ",awn tnn t t,,tlS r-esolutlon be adopted. Un roll call all members of the Councll
<br />~ "J1n'e~3 en t va t ing aye. a /
<br />J:: Vil1EREAS, the:-.:ni't~d States is IlO'N a t Vial' and in the last few months the call
<br />:! for men has greatly intensified and a large number have been drawn 1'1'::,)[[1 T~ugene
<br />
<br />;,: and Lane County and the personnel_ of _ tl_1S var'i?uS depc,:tments of'~:~:; ?:Lt:y: ,1:a,:,e
<br />" been depleted leaving them short-lland.ed, and 1n t~ AYle lnstances 1/, ~Ltn lneff lClent
<br />(I and inexperienced 11el,-" the CouncLL d eenm tIle ::;, ituation to COIli:; ti tute t::ln
<br />I: emergency and to "vvl:-~Irant tne taking of funds from each depsI'tmen t unused becuase
<br />i,! of smaller perf:ionnel and becuase of inexperienced help receiving less pay, and
<br />:: t.. pay certain of the em.ployees, vvhom the Council believe rendering greater
<br />
<br />t, ,. ,_
<br />1'1 ~,.l..l
<br />::
<br />....
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