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<br />~160 <br />--_--~ --:.....-_= u' ...::~_-.=...:....:.=..-==...:......:..:-~--==-.:..:--=-:.._==..:.:-~-~-- --- -~---::: -- - ~'~ - --=-~-~_~~~- --c.=---- ----- -- - ~- - - __-=--u:_.:-~_ --:-- --~._~=-~_-:--~'"'--=-__-::...-c-::.,:;,.;;-,;;=_--:;:- .__--:-:;:~:--__:_c "'---.-=-_-=:..;:.=-_"'- _-,-""':~~_--=-.::._-:.:::-:.-=....::::.._~_ ___ <br /> -- ---- ~ ---------,--~---- ---:'C----- -:--- ---_~-- --~~-_:__:_:_-~--'--:--.---- -_.- ~~..---=-~C------:---:~~- ---------:-------------..~-"':"~~________c=_~~-__:_-_-__::___:__- ---=-=---:;-----:-:----:--- <br />-_._- --=--_.~-------------::-- - - - - . -- -- - -. - ~-~-----~---- ~_._--------~--~ <br /> , Seymours Cafe-996 Willamette - 1944 Restaurnat License & Package Class B <br />.;."...' Loyal Order Moose-77 west 9th- 1944 Club License <br />;~I Frat. Order Eagles-525 ,Will. - 1944 Club License <br />~, I B.P.D. ~Rs-B6 west 7th St. - 1944 Club License <br />~ , On motion made and carried theze requests were granted. <br /> I <br />23 The Council recommened that a license be granted Alfred J. Magan to <br /> conduct a Auto Wrecking business at 1093 west 1st street. <br /> At this time a letter from Lawrence D. Sweetman addressed to the Mayor <br /> and Council was read by the Recorder. This letter called attention to the traff~c <br /> hazard at 13th and Charnelton Streets, and asked that some precautionary measure I <br />24 be taken. It was pointed out this intersection was no di~ferent thatn other l_.s <br /> interesections on west 13th street and that t:vaffic did not move fast on 13th <br /> street. This matter was referred to the Po~ice Committee to report back at the <br /> next meeting. <br /> A proposed agreement between the Pacific Telephone and Tele~raph Co. <br />25 and the City of Eugene regarding the use of ~elephone equipment for the install- <br /> ation of Police and Fire department alarm purpose by the "City was read at this <br /> time. <br /> A proposed ordinance granting the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. <br />26 a franchise having had its fwrst reading, November 8th had its second reading <br /> in detail at this time and was laid over for its third reading to comply with <br /> Charter provisions. <br /> An Ordinace adopted the survey, plat and report of the City Engineer <br /> as to the proposed openeing of Filmore Street from the Alley south of 6th <br />27 avenue west ot seventh avenue west and making provisions for sending out notices <br /> to interest property owners and also for the appointment of three viewers to <br /> i view the property and make unanimois consent of the Council by title under <br /> : <br /> 1 suspension of the rules and was placed for final passage. AI! Councilmen voting <br /> ! Aye. Absent, Councilman Hawn. Ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8779. I <br /> , <br /> I At this time Councilman Farrington stated that he wbuld like to have <br /> I <br /> I the Council Meeting of December 27th designated for the discussion of the pro- <br /> posed charter change regardi-ng the City Manager. He stated,he would make as a <br />28 motion the motion that was attatched to the Committee report which had been <br /> , submitted at the Council meeting" November 22, 1943. This motion was read by <br /> I <br /> I the Recorder and is as follows: <br /> I <br /> ! <br /> I <br /> I MOTION FOR APPOllINTMENT OF COMMTSSION TO PREPARE CHARTER AMEl\1DMEl\1TS <br /> I , <br /> I <br /> , I move 1) That the Mayor appoint a charter commission of seven members, four to <br /> be members of the city council, three to be citizens and taxpayers of <br /> Eugene not now attached to the city government: <br /> 2) That the charter commission be instructed to prepare necessary and <br /> I suitable amendments to the Charter of the City of Eugene to create <br /> the office ofmunicipal superintendant and provide his qualifications <br /> powers, and duties: and to provide for the re-allocation of powers <br /> i and duties incidental thereto: <br /> , 3) That the ammendments to be reported to the Council in ample t~me <br /> for their submission to the voters of Eugene in the primary election <br /> of May, 1944: <br /> 4) That the commssion be instructed to confine its charter amendments <br /> I to those matters which relate to the establishment of the office of <br /> municipal superintendant,and ~he enumeration of the pwers and duties <br /> i appropriate thereto. <br /> i On completion of the reading the motion was seconded by Counci~man <br /> , <br /> I Crumbaker. Councilman Davis made a strnuous objection to this motion and said <br /> that he did not feel the council should dictate to the people what they should vo~e <br /> on, that he felt the Manager plan, the commission plan, and the present'Council <br /> form should be placed on the ballot. Councilman Farrington stated he had not . <br />29 intended that a discussion of the subject should be had at this time, but that they <br /> wanted it to be brought up at the meeting on December 27th. Mayor Large stated <br /> 1 that there was a motion before the house and some disposition would have to be <br /> made of the motion, Councilman Crumbaker said the matter in its present form . .1 <br /> '; ..~ <br /> I could be laid over until the meeting of December 27th without disposal of the <br /> i motion by vote ~withdrawl. Councilman Davis objected to this and stated the <br /> j <br /> .1 motion should be withdrawn. Councilman Farrington stated that he was willing tha~ <br /> I the motion be withdeawn if it was agreeable to Mr. Crumbaker who had seconded the <br /> i <br /> I motion, After some discussion Councilman Crumbaker consented' to the withdrawl of <br /> I <br /> I the mbtaon. A motion was then made by Farrington and seconded by Crumbaker that the <br /> , Council meeting of Dec. 27th be designated a special order of business for the diS- <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> : cussion of the proposed charter change. On vote the motion was carried. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> l <br /> On motion the Council Adjourned. <br />~ 'Pro 'T'Am <br />