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EugeneOrdinanceExhibitA1 <br />\[LaneCountyOrdinanceExhibitA1\] <br />C. <br />The first footnote in Section G of Chapter II of the Metro Plan is amended to <br />provide as follows: <br />\[fn\] <br />8 <br />As part of the adoption of the City of Springfield’s city-specific UGB (through Springfield Ordinance No. 6268 <br />and Lane County Ordinance No. PA 1274 in 2011), the Metro Plan Diagram was amended so that the area west of <br />Interstate 5 is no longer included in Springfield’s UGB. In 2017, the area included in the City of Eugene’s UGB <br />(the area west of Interstate 5) was expanded (through Eugene Ordinance No. 20584 and Lane County Ordinance <br />No. PA 1345). <br />D. <br /> The second paragraph in “Campus Industrial” under “Land Use Designations” of <br />Section G in Chapter II of the Metro Plan is amended to provide as follows: <br />Conceptual development planning, performance standards, or site review processes shall be <br />applied to ensure adequate circulation, functional coordination among uses on each site, a high <br />Except in Eugene, a <br />quality environmental setting, and compatibility with adjacent areas.\[A\] <br />50-acre minimum lot size shall be applied to ownerships of 50 or more acres to protect <br />undeveloped sites from piecemeal development until a site development plan has been approved <br />by the responsible city. <br />E. <br /> The last paragraph in “Factor 7” under “Urban Growth Boundary” of Section G in <br />Chapter II of the Metro Plan is amended to provide as follows: <br />On the east side of Interstate 5, the location of the UGB is either tax lot-specific (coterminous <br />11 <br />with tax lot boundaries) or specifically identified by a metes and bounds description.On the <br />location of the Eugene <br />west side of I-5, the UGB is \[tax lot-specific where it is coterminous with <br />city limits, where it has been determined through the annexation process, and where it falls on <br />mapped in the Envision Eugene <br />the outside edge of existing or planned rights-of-way\] <br />Comprehensive Plan at a scale sufficient to determine which particular lots or parcels, or <br />portions of them, are included in the Eugene UGBThe Eugene UGB location shown on the <br />. <br />Metro Plan Diagram and Metro Plan Boundaries Map is for illustrative purposes only. <br /> \[In <br />other places on the west side of I-5, the UGB is determined on a case-by-case basis through <br />interpretation of the Metro Plan Plan Boundaries Map in this Metro Plan and the following <br />factors (see Metro Plan Plan Boundaries Map Key): <br />Protection of Agricultural Lands <br />Protection of Forest Lands <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />Eugene Final <br /> <br />