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<br />Approving the requested refinement plan text amendment will allow for the provision of a <br />BRT-enabled transit station in a neighborhood where one does not otherwise exist. <br /> <br />Provide for a pedestrian environment that is well integrated with adjacent land uses <br />and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking. (Policy <br />F.26) <br /> <br />Walking to and from the bus is integral to public transit service. Allowing the proposed transit <br />center to occur on the subject property will enable pedestrian facilities to be developed both <br />on-site and across the site, as well as on the adjacent roadway system and nearby sidewalks, <br /> <br /> <br />c)Remaining portions of the refinement plan. <br /> <br />The application is consistent with the remainder of the River Road Santa-Clara Urban Facilities Plan. <br />The policy text amendment is a site-specific revision that only impacts the subject property, which is <br />identified in Ordinance No. <br />southeast corner of the intersection of River Road and Hunsaker Lane, between Hunsaker Lane and <br />Green Lane. In other words, the amendment that would allow transit facilities to be built on the <br />subject property does not reach to other properties within the refinement plan area, and would not <br />allow other prohibited motor vehicle related uses, consistent with the intent of the original policy <br />direction. <br /> <br />The applicant also asserts, and the Council finds, the following: Given that the requested refinement <br />diagram or <br />any of the subarea land use diagrams. The requested addition to permitted land uses transit <br />facilities is normally permitted in the pro The commercial <br />designation facilitates commercial zoning, which the property is zoned. Transit facilities i.e., transit <br />park and ride and transit station are permitted in the commercial zone within the Motor Vehicle <br />Related Uses use category (EC Table 9.2160). <br /> <br />The text amendment is also consistent with the following refinement plan policy: <br /> <br />Provide for land uses that conform to Metropolitan Plan goals and policies and that consider <br />the provision of a full range of urban services in an efficient and cost-effective manner. <br />(General Land Use Policies, Policy 3.0) <br /> <br />In response to this policy the applicant asserts, and the Council finds Public transit (mass transit <br />in the Metro Plan) is an urban service. Metro Plan goals and policies encourage the provision of <br />transit. Approval of this requested refinement plan text amendment will enable mass transit, i.e. an <br />urban service, to be provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner. It will be efficient and cost- <br />effective because the subject property is on a key mass transit corridor (River Road) and cost- <br />effective Lane Transit <br />District. <br /> <br />Findings - 9 <br /> <br />