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<br />~364 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />--:----:: -- --:--::--=-::- -::-_~ ._--===---~7 ~ -::.--":::':-=,-~_- ::;;;-~--:_--;-;,---:-:--:- -.::;'t: __-.-=---~~- _-:-=::::-~'=-::-===-:':-.-=--==--=-:::-_-::=----::-:-_~-':::-::-=---=~-::'=:-"';:;:::;--~':-~--:;-~"':-;:-~_-_~-_-:;::-~::::~::"~~""::"'-=-=.--=:--= ::=--~~_:-:::-=-=~~~-=-:--:::::--~- ~-~~ ---:-;:--:-- ~....;;: ~-~-:- :;:"--:-:------:::;:--~----- <br />---._-- - - -- -. . .-.. .. .- - <br />----~_._- <br /> <br />I <br />It Hawn, se,condedby Davis thatt,the request,ommend,ed subject <br />t.o written approval of Chief of Police. ,.On vote the following C.ouncillQ.en voted <br />AYE -~ Bailey, .Hawn, Hurley, Johnson, Davis, and Koppe. Voting NO-- Councilman I <br />~ Crumbaker. <br />".,; I <br />. '. ~ ", ~ <br /> <br />:'--~2i A communication was r~cei ved from Margaret Lake -- HE: Rezoning in 1600 <br />j .blocjt.,. Fra,~in" Blvd. for use .by_ ma.r,bl.eandgranit,e works was.. su.bmi.tted as follows: <br /> <br />~ I "Re.lative,to rezoning prop.erty in 1600blockof Fra~klinBlvd. for use by <br />I~I marble and granite works was submitted and read to the CO.uncil. Upon motion this <br />,communica-t'ion was ordered .referred to the City Planning Commission. ' <br />I <br />ORDINANCES: <br /> <br />53 Council Bill No. 28 -- HE: Franchise to Irish & Swartz for construction <br />'101'" ma.rquee.. Upon mo,tion- ..t.hiswes read for ,.the first tlme, and laid over. <br /> <br />54! Council Bill No. 29 ,--, HE: Vacation of alley:- in. Block 1, Cheshire's 2nd <br />I Addition we-sread for th.e firs,t. time. It was mov,ed by, Koppe, seconded by Hawn <br />.1 tba t the. .Qrdinanc.e be pass.e.d .to. it,s second, and third reading.s.bYWlanimous con- <br />.1 seat of the Council by ti tIe under . suspension of the rules and was pl~cep. for. <br />1 final passage. All Councilmen present voting AYE. The Ordinance was. declared <br />i pas,sedand numbered 8840,.' <br /> <br />5~! < Council Bill No. 30. .-_. RE.: Vacation of alley in bl.ock.. 5, Cheshire's Add- <br />j ition to Eugene was submitt.e,dand... read."the f.irst. time. It w.a.s Koppe, <br />I se.conded by Hawn tha,t, the Ordinance be passed to its second and. third 'readings <br />I by unaJaimous.cons ent.of the Council by title under suspena ion of the rule sand . <br />j was p,laced for final passage. .All Councilmen present voting AYE. The Ordi~nce <br />I was declared passed and, numbered 8841. <br />I . - <br />I <br />56: COUllcil Bill No. 31 -- HE: Vacat,ionof alley from Mill St. to center of <br />iblO,Ck 4" 'Dri veTtoD wa.ssubmi.t,t.ed.and.. r.ead, for, the first time., It" was. moved by <br />, Koppe.., seconded by Hawn.t,ha;t"the.-Ordinanc.ebe pa.s.s.e.d to.i,t.s, second and third <br />i r.eadings by. l1:nanimousco,nsent, 'of.t:he Co.uncil by title undersuspens:Lonof the rules <br />I and was placed for final passage. All Councilmen present voting AJE. The.Ordin- <br />',anc,e. passad,.and..numbered ~. I <br /> <br />57: Co.un.cil. Hill No. 32 -'-'- HE: Le;vying Assessments for.. ins.tal lat ion of City <br />! Outlooko.Sewer; was submit.ted and read. Upon motion it was read for ;the first time <br />. and laid over. (Ordinance number voided and will be numbered when all three <br />1 read"ings he ve. .ta.ken- place...) <br />i. /- . <br />58: Council B.illN?.. 33 -- RE.: Vae"a.tio~ .of Street, Mill Street, Ferry <br />Str.eet, et,e.., we ss.ubnu,t,tedand read the .f1rst time. It was moved, by. Koppe, see- <br />o nded by Cr,umba,ker that the.. Ordinance be passed to its. sec.ond, and third readings <br />I by unanimou~ consent of the C,ouncil by title under suspension .of the rules and <br />was p~aced for final passage. All Councilmen present voting AYE. The Ordinance <br />I was. declar~d pas;sed, andnWllb.ered... 8843. <br /> <br />591 .. "Co.~ncil Bill No. 34 --, HE: Reclassification of Lots 4 and .5"., Block 20, <br />i Packard,' $ ~~di.tion was presented and upon mot~on read for the. fir~t ti)Ile. It was <br />: moved'. by. Koppe, seconded by Haw.n ,th,at the. be passed to 1.tS. second. and <br />[third,' re'a<l.i.~gs by unanimous consent .of -the Council by title under .suspension of <br />i the rufes'and was placed for final passage. All Councilmen present voting AYE. <br />The Ordinan9,e was (ie.c.lared, .passed and .numbered. 8844.. i <br /> <br />60' :,;' ,Co.uncil Bill No. 35 ~,7'RE:" Levying assessments for Sanitary Sewer between <br />I Lawrence and Washington Streets, 22nd to 24th Avenue West was submitted and read. <br />Upon motion it was reaEl for t.he.first. time. and over. <br /> <br />61: ,.. ,Council Bill No. 36 ~~ HE: Adoption and installation of official st.reet · <br />. and alley signs, marlci'ngs., and. traffic' control signals was. submitted and upon.,' <br />, mo.tion .read,~for the first time. .Itwas moved by Crumbaker.,. seconded by Johnson <br />i tha.t the. words "Chief of Police" be changed to read ."City Manager" wherever they <br />: appear in Cpuncil Bill #36. Motion carried. Upon'illotion Council Bill No. 36 as <br />, amended was .,ordered laid over. <br /> <br />62; _. . Council. Bill No.. 37 -- HE: Adoption of Viewer's repor,t.. on.. openil?-g of alley <br />i between. 7th -and' 8th Avenue West from West line of Hallock's Addition of Garfield <br />! Street was submitted and read. Upon motion this was .read for theffrst J time and I <br />;laid over. - <br /> <br />.; <br /> <br />63: COWl.c.iL Bill No. 38-- Adoption of Viewer's re.port, on, of 8th Ave- - <br />;nue Vies,t .f,rom.,,t~o"Garf ield,. Street was submitted and read., ',J!p()!?: ',...< , <br />I motion this was read for thefirf)t time and laid over: (Ordinance number voided ; <br />I andP wl11be nUmbered whenalJ,. three readings have taken 'place.) . -, ., ..' <br /> <br /> <br /><~ - ,., <br /> <br />. , ~ .~. ':'." ~ .-: - ". - ~ <br />,_, .,,' ..1 "t. , ....,._. <br />\ "-.' '"~ - 7:,. _::__~~:) ~ U-2 <br />i <br />I <br /> <br />~ - <br />