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CC Minutes - 03/09/05 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 03/09/05 WS
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4/22/2005 2:42:21 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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· focus groups <br /> · personal interviews <br /> · phone interviews <br /> · document review <br /> · City Council and Police Commission meetings <br /> · media and other news releases <br /> · toll-free telephone line for citizens to express their views about the department and <br /> offer recommendations <br /> <br />Dr. Fisher Stewart stated there were 57 recommendations (must do) and 12 advisories (reminders) listed in <br />the report. She said these components were in three broad categories: Police/Community Relations, <br />Governance, and Police Management Procedures and Practices. She noted that ICMA was responsible for <br />the former two categories; PERF was responsible for the latter. <br /> <br />Dr. Fisher Stewart referred to previous recommendations that were the outcome of a 1997 study of the EPD <br />and its practices and were listed on pages 9 and 10 of the report. She pointed out that almost all of these <br />recommendations continue to be valid today. Dr. Fisher Stewart questioned if the current report would have <br />been necessary if those recommendations had been implemented earlier. <br /> <br />Dr. Fisher Stewart referred to the over-arching recommendation that was listed on page 16 of the report: <br />The review team strongly recommends that the City of Eugene contract this efibrt to someone from outside <br />the City whose so&job is to oversee this transformation process. <br /> <br />Dr. Fisher Stewart strongly emphasized the fact that the team did not receive input from a critical mass of <br />the people of Eugene as it formed its conclusions and noted it was vital as the process moves forward that <br />input from the "grass roots" of the community be tapped. Dr. Fisher Stewart pointed to the Mayor's one- <br />on-one meetings and the Police Commission and the Human Rights Commission forums as formats which <br />were adept in bringing people into the process. She stressed that there needs to be a concerted effort to <br />provide an opportunity for community members to be heard and responded to, and to ensure that facts were <br />put out to the community-at-large. Dr. Fisher Stewart pointed out that much of the information received <br />from the community were perceptions. <br /> <br />Dr. Fisher Stewart stated that the City needed to determine community expectations for community policing <br />and fully implement that model. She conceded that community policing was difficult and must be tailored to <br />Eugene. Dr. Fisher Stewart also stressed that transparency must be achieved within the community policing <br />model. <br /> <br />Dr. Fisher Stewart stated that the report recommended an external review board be implemented and that it <br />not become another bureaucratic layer. She said that with the implementation of such a board, resources <br />must be available to process complaints on a timely basis so as not to create additional problems and <br />ineffectiveness. Dr. Fisher Stewart said that the complaint process should also be less threatening than it <br />currently was, and she referred to the following statement which appears on page 21, Recommendation No. <br />5 of the report: The department routinely checks the police records of the people with whom we have <br />contact, including people who file complaints. Ifa police officer has contact with you and is aware o fa <br />warrant, he/she is legally compelled to arrest you. However, we do not want this to prevent you from <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council March 9, 2005 Page 3 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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