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<br />~44 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />- -.::'- __"7-."" - -- -.--_- __ --- - , _ + _ . =. . L .,.. _. __ ,_. __ . _. _ _ __ _". _ _" _ _ _ _._. . ... . :. .0 _ .+. -:0- _ _ _ <br />1= . ."~.'...." _ =.' .... ' .. ..,. .~"'_.' = .. __.....' _ ".. 0 u,".' 'd.' ",... _.--' -"j;'-".' ". _' ... .-'-' <br />I: <br />: <br /> <br />2. A request . from Mrs...M. A.. Ward .a,t 2527, Agate St. for a w~iver. of set-Dack ! <br />for a garage on 25th. Avenue" whichis.on the, rear of her lot . This.. garage is I , <br />l~'" partly constructed and.. extends. beyond. the permissable setback. for. a. cornel' lo,t. \: I <br />~." '-;;" The Board feels that since the lot in question is fifty-four feet (54 t) wide that ,I <br />~ Mrs. Wardshould,.move...her...,gar:age. South and thus.. comply with the setback in.the block~" <br />~ . il <br />. , I: <br />It;ed.. by Cr.umb a ker,., ' seconded by' Davis tha t the. report of the Board of -Appeals 1, <br />be received and placed on file and that the recommendations contained therein be. 1: <br />approved. Motion carrled.. (Mr. Johnson entered at this time)/,,;, ~: <br />: ; i: <br />An agreement between the C1 ty of Eugene and W.' A. Terry and Margaret TerrY"l:'e: ....Ii . <br />4 set-back at, 1371 West 6th" Avenue"was.submitted and read as follows: - '\~~'~ I <br /> <br />I' <br />TTHIS AGREEMENT, made and. entered into this 18th. day. of September, 1947 by and ;' <br />betWeen the CITY OF EUGENE, a munici.pal corporation of Lane County,. Oregon, as I' <br />City, and W. A. TERRY and, ,MARGARET TERRY, :husband and wife, as Owners, , ;. <br />,. , <br />". 1: <br />W.IT N E SSE T H I <br /> <br />That 'Wherea's, the, City has in force and effect in said City a set-backordi-' I: <br />nance providing that buildings erect.eden the North side of Sixth Avenue West shall ': <br />. I' <br />be .. s.e.t . back... 16. feet from the. pr.op.erty, and.. f <br /> <br />. I <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Owners desire to erect a building on the following described :: <br />property, to-wlt:. - ;i <br /> <br />. r <br />Beginning ata point..on. the, line. of 6th. Avenue. West.. 100 feet of :' <br />the..Southeast corner .of Fractional Lot 4, in. Fractional, Bl.ock;$, in .;' <br />Skinner's original.dona.ti.on. to Lane County.. {now, a part,of the City of <br />Eugene), running. thence West along. the North line of 6th: Ayenue afore- i <br />said 60 feet, running thence North 50 feet, thence East 60 feet, thence I. <br />South 50 feet to the place of beginning, all in the Ct ty of Eugene, . <br />Lane .Coun.ty Oregon.; <br /> <br />which building it is desired by the Owners shall encroach upon and extend southerly <br />across the set-back line. af.oresaid,; and,.. . <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City does no~ intend to immediately widen said street but desires I <br />to protect its rights in so. d,,_ <br />!" I <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in.cons.ideration of. the.' premfses, it is agr.eed be,tween the <br />parties. hereto. tha.t the Owners .ma.y" erect the. structure now pro,posed .to,.be erected <br />on. the above' descTibed r:eal esta,t.einsuch a manner that" there shall be a definite <br />break.. in the'8,ctual ,construction. a.t .the such structure should cross the <br />aforesaid set-.back.l.ine,,,and.that.the. portion of. the building constructed southerly! <br />of such building set-back line shall be so constructed that it can be separated : <br />and remove,d.withoutinjury. to the .remaind er of the building... i <br />. " <br /> <br />It is further. agreed, between the parties hereto that in, consideration of the <br />C1 ty' s permitting the Owners to. .ere,ct.said huilding as aforesaid", that tp.e said <br />Owners hereby. . expressly agree on, behalf of thems.el,ves , individually, re- <br />spective heirs and assigns, said. agre.ement. :t)o. run w.i th the. land and bind it, that <br />at any time the . City, or, any.'agency of the State of, Oregon shall under,take to widen <br />Sixth Avenue. West, that:.the said ow.ners, , he.irs.. and assigns, shaill <br />make no claim for damages: on.. account of. the, portion.,of said building standing and . <br />encroaching. southerly of the aforesaid set-back line, but shall claim. damages only ! <br />for the land taken and that the Owners, their, heirs and assigns.,. shall, upon demand <br />of.the. City, in case of such street widening, immediately remove that portion of <br />the buildtng encroaching and overlapping the set-back line as aforesaid, without <br />expense. .to the City.. <br /> <br />In the event the ,pre.s.ent.$et~backlineordina.ncereferred to above shall be i I <br />modified or repealed, it _ is. hereby -agreed that. in. the..ev.ent . of suchmodif ication, : <br />.such. modification. shalLin.ur,e. t.,o, , .the. Owners her.ein, and.. their suc- h <br />cessors. . in.. ,interest. in.. the . ownership" of said real. propert.y,. the eV,ent i: > <br />of the. repeal of: said,.,ordi.nance, .this,agreemen.t .shall" in such event., be annulled I: <br />and held .for naught, and the Owners herein or their successors in interest in the <br />ownership of said property shall be relieved' from any of.1?he:obligations of this <br />agre ement. .' <br /> <br />This contract. i.s...en.tered intoa.nd. aC.,l{now, ledged' and recorded to.. g. ive notice to I <br />all of said prop,ert'y that .the City shall not b~bound to pay <br />any damages for that portion of said ,buildLng constructed southerly of said building:. <br />set-baclc line incase ofa. widening..o.T-.cond.emila;tion.of. said...street. . <br /> <br />This contract shall bind the heirs, executors, ad~inistrators and assigns of <br />the respecti.~ parties. heretG. . <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF,. the Oi ty . has caused these presents to be e~,e:(p~,~.ed by its <br />officers. thereto duly authorized, and the Owners have hereunto set th'~~p. hands and <br />seals this day and year f'irst written above. ..,' <br />;, <br />Ii <br />I <br />~ ' <br />,. <br />:' <br />