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<br />~ <br />,46 <br /> , I <br />, -- .-. . , --- - - . - . --. - -,. - -.. -~ -" -,- " . ... - - - - " ---. - - - _.- - - --- . . --- - <br />__ __ ___ ___~__._ _ __.". _._~ _H _._ ___ _ _ . ~. -- -. -- - - -. - -.-.- - --- , , " ", - - - ~ . ~ -- - ~ -. -- ..... ~-.- -.-- .~-- .'- . . , <br />-. - - .. -. ".-. -. - ~ - - - -- - - - -- - . -. ~ <br /> 'I <br /> ij <br /> I, <br /> An appli'cation for rezoning was submitted by Carrie ~eese for the reclassifi-, !: <br />1,2 catio.q of property loc~ted at .1690 Moss Street from Single family residence to r <br /> 1 I <br />,v4. Multiple Family residence. I: <br />! ..'''''_'':~ " <br /> : <br /> It was moved by Crumbaker, seconded by Davis that the application be referred by I <br /> I' <br /> necessary resolution to the.,.Pl~nn-ing Commission. I, <br /> i <br /> i; <br /> ORDTNANCES, I <br /> .' <br /> :~ <br /> " <br /> Council Bill No. 256 - Levying,,,ass,essments fQr the construction of a sidewalk I: <br />13 .. on the North side 0f 13th Avenue West from ,Chambers to Grant Streets, read the first;: <br /> time Sept. 8, 19,47, was brought. on"for..secotld" r.eading. , I <br /> ! <br /> , , <br /> :~ <br /> It, was, ,moved b.y., Hawn,,> se,cond,ed by ,Davis tha.t, the,ordinance.,be" read"the, second time. ) <br /> ; <br /> It. was: moved, by Hawn", seconded "by Davis. that. the rules, be: suspe,nde'cL by", unanimous I <br /> , cons,ent, and the ordinance be read the 'third time and given final passage. All <br /> Councilmen present voting AYE, the ordinance was declared passed ,and numbered 9060. <br /> ,Pennington"absent,." ' . ' -' - I <br /> I, <br /> Council Bill No. 258 - Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 9058 (Solicitorts i~ <br />14 ,Ord,inance.)" was submi.t,ted" and"read, t,he first."time. , <br /> '1 <br /> I <br /> seconded bi Hawn that the rules be suspended by unanimous .' - <br /> It was moved by Bailey, " <br /> consent""and,."t he", .ordlnan ce,,,,,be,..rea d" the "s e cond",time,... , . , , f <br /> r <br /> I,t" was, mov,ed" ,by ,Hawn, ",second,ed, Bailey: tha.t"the. rulesbe...fur.ther suspended and I' <br /> the" ordinance be read the third time and given final passage~ All Councilmen ,: <br /> ,present voting AYE, the ordinance'was declared passed and numbered 9061. :' <br /> Penningt,on, absent,. <br /> Council Bill No. 259 - Re: ReclassificatIon of certain property at 19th and <br />15 Hilyard was., submit,ted. and, read" the, first time,., <br /> It was moved by Hawn, seconded by Bailey that the Council Bill be indefinitely <br /> po,s t-j>oned. . .' :' <br /> " I <br /> ., <br /> Council Bill No. 260 - He: Construction of cement sidewalk on both sides .of : <br />16 15th Avenues West between Lawrence and Washington, was 'submi tted and r'ead the ,first (, <br /> time:. , . " <br /> ..;.. <br /> It was ~oved by Hawn, seconded by Davis that the rules be suspended by unanimous <br /> consent ,and. th~ .ordinan,ce be read the second time., <br /> It. w~smov:ed. by.. Hawn,. seconded., by, Da'vis that "the" ru'1es, be, furtherd sus,pended and the <br /> ordinance,be read the third time and given final passage. . All Council,men present <br /> voting; AYE, the ordinance was declared passed andnuplbered'~. Penn.ington absent. <br /> CounciL Bill No. 261 - Levyi~g assessments fo.r the construction of a cement : <br />17 sidewalk. on the West side of Kincaid Street between 26th and 27th Avenues East, <br /> was submitted and read. the, first time. , i. <br /> " <br /> r <br /> It was moved by Hawn, seconded by Davis that the ordinance be laid over and that 1; <br /> notice be givep to the affected., .property owners. :, <br /> . <br /> " <br /> I <br /> RESOLUTIONS I, <br /> " <br /> , : <br /> A resolution .transmitting to the, Planning Commission applicat.ion for the re- <br />18 zoning of certain",pro,pert.i,es., , was. s.ubmi,tted,.andread, as follow~,:".. . <br /> "BE IT RESOLVED by the.Common,Council of the City of Eugene, Oregon, that I <br /> there is hereby transmitted to. the City Planning Commission of said City, the <br /> followingpetitiops, .for rezoning of property in said City, to-wit: <br /> CARRIE MARGARET REESE: <br /> The South Sixteen and seven~tenths.Feet(~6.7') of the East One <br /> Hundred Ten feet (11.0') of Lot 10 and the .East One Hundred Ten feet <br /> (lOOt lofd.Lotll, alL beingil1 Block Fourteen -(14') Fairmount Amended <br /> Addi tion to"the. City of Eugene" Oregon., . . : " <br /> " <br /> ..Property located at 1690 Moss Street. : I <br /> Requested change from R-l Single F,amily Residence t.o R-3 i: <br /> Multiple. Family, Residence. c,lasslficatlon. Ii <br /> ;' <br /> and. dire,c,t,ing, the Planning. "Comml.ssion. to adopt a tentative repo;rt, and, to hold a I, <br /> hearing thereon inthe'Councll Chambers in the. City Ha;Ll ,of said City.. on Monday, J <br /> " <br /> October.6, 1947 a~t 7: 30 P.M., after giving p.uedno,ti,ce by publica,tion. once in the I' <br /> I' <br /> Eugene, Register,'!"Guard,j arid in. of favora,bl.e report on, any of sa id requests, a ;: <br /> hearing is hereby called to be. held at the City Hall at the next ensuing regular I: <br /> Council meeting, comtnencing at 7:30 o'clock ~.M., notice of which shall be givep , <br /> three times in the Eugene Register-Guard." . " " , , ,I <br /> '. <br /> It was moved by Davis, seconded by Hawn that the resolution be adopted. Motion , <br />~ carried. <br />