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ATTACHMENT B <br /> <br />TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM CH2MHILL <br />Franklin Avenue/Glenwood Area Interchange Study <br /> <br />PREPARED FOR: Willamette River/Glenwood PMT <br />PREPARED BY: Sam Seskin, CH2M HILL <br />DATE: March 4, 2005 <br /> <br />The consultants conducted hour-long interviews in person with project area stakeholders. <br />The interviews were conducted during the second week of February 2005. This memo <br />includes the interview format and questions, interviewees, and summary of the interviews. <br /> <br />Interview Format and Questions <br /> <br />· Statement of interview purpose: <br /> <br /> - to obtain their input on problems, issues and decision making process related to a <br /> possible Franklin Ave/Glenwood Area interchange <br /> <br /> - to summarize ODOT's interests and their commitment <br />· Brief description of the anticipated work <br /> <br />· Indication that their input will be used in development of the scope of work for Phase 2, <br /> including both technical issues and public/agency involvement <br /> <br />· Open discussion based generally around the following questions: <br /> <br /> - 1. How would you describe the problem? What is the history of the problem (not the <br /> project) as you see it? What is causing the problem? <br /> <br /> - 2. What are the key issues related to solving the problem? <br /> <br /> - 3. How do these issues affect you and/or the constituency you represent? <br /> <br /> - 4. Do you feel the project scope as described is an appropriate way to address the <br /> problem? <br /> <br /> - 5. What types of activities would be most helpful in developing the best solution to <br /> the problem? What approaches have worked well in the past, and why? What <br /> approaches have been unsuccessful, and why? <br /> <br /> - 6. How do you (or the organization you represent) want to be involved in the <br /> project? What type and level of information do you want to receive? <br /> <br /> - 7. Who else should we be talking with (what other groups are affected, what <br /> organizations represents them, who are the appropriate contacts)? <br /> <br /> - 8. Are there any other questions you wish we would ask? <br /> <br /> TECH MEMO 030705.D0C <br /> <br /> <br />