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Admin Order 58-17-16
City of Eugene
Administrative Orders
Admin Order 58-17-16
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Last modified
9/7/2017 1:34:18 PM
Creation date
9/7/2017 1:23:56 PM
City Recorder
Admin Orders
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designated West 13"' Avenue between Lincoln Street and Washington Street as a Minor <br />Arterial. <br />2) West 13th Avenue is a minor arterial with a posted speed of 20 mph. The street has an 11 -foot <br />to 15 -foot north side eastbound travel lane, an 11 -foot south side travel lane and intermittent <br />7 -foot wide parking lanes on the north and south sides. The curb to curb width varies between <br />approximately 32 -feet to 36 -feet. <br />3) Currently the segment of West 13t" Avenue between Lincoln Street and Washington Street is <br />the only section of the West 13'11 Avenue corridor between Alder Street and Garfield Street <br />(approximately 2.1 miles) without an eastbound bike lane. <br />4) Formal removal of parking and addition of an eastbound bicycle lane will result in an <br />approximate street cross section of one 11 -foot to 1.5 -foot north side eastbound travel lane, an <br />11 -foot south side travel lane, an intermittent 7 -foot parking lane on the north side of the street <br />and a 5 -foot eastbound bicycle lane with a 2 -foot buffer. <br />5) From 2007 to 2015, there were seven crashes on West 13"' Avenue between Lincoln Street and <br />Washington Street. Two crashes resulted in moderate injuries, one of which involved a person <br />bicycling which Occurred at the intersection with Lincoln Street. One crash resulted in Minor <br />injury and four crashes resulted in property damage only. <br />6) Parking studies conducted by the City staffbetween July 20131 and June 2017 show an average <br />volume of 5 vehicles parking in approximately 10 parking spaces along the south side and 2 <br />vehicles parking in approximately 12 parking spaces along the north side of West 13"' Avenue <br />between Lincoln Street and Washington Street. The study shows that on average the parking <br />removed on the south side of West 13th Avenue can be accommodated on the north side of the <br />street. <br />7) City staff met with representatives from four businesses with frontage on the south side of <br />West 13th Avenue along the area of proposed parking removal. All four representatives were <br />supportive of removing parking on the south side of West 13"' Avenue in order to construct an <br />eastbound bicycle lane. Additionally postcards were sent to property owners and tenants with <br />frontage on the south side of West 13th Avenue between Lincoln Street and Washington Street <br />announcing the City's intention to remove parking in order to construct an eastbound bicycle <br />lane. One comment was received opposing the proposed removal of parking. <br />8) Removal of parking from the south side of West 13th Avenue and installation of an eastbound <br />bicycle lane is consistent with the Eugene Springfield Area Transportation Plan (7ransPlan) <br />adopted as amended by Council Ordinance Number 20258 on July 8, 2002. <br />Administrative Order -- Page 2 of 4 <br />
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